The Ritz Herald
© Ninjai Gang

A Deeper Look Into Ninjai: The Little Ninja – Original Story

Published on June 07, 2022

When you think about a child, what do you think of? You might imagine a small kid running around the park, running for a football. Or perhaps you think of a group of children throwing a ball around, kids at a swimming pool, or parents organizing a birthday. On the other hand, you probably don’t think of children fighting, using swords, and being ninjas (okay, maybe on Halloween… But that’s beside the point!) Well, to many people’s surprise, there are series and anime movies that picture just this. Ninjai: The Little Ninja is one of those movies which is coming soon.

The Struggle-Ridden Life of Ninjai

Okay, so we have established that the Little Ninja, named Ninjai, is not your typical child. That’s because of the web series – which was created by a team of fans without any funding from major studios or film production companies! – is all about the life of Ninjai, a child ninja that undergoes turbulent adventures. This web series is not one that shows you a child running around in a field of flowers – no. Instead, Ninjai’s life is quite a struggle. His adventures include running around trying to find and slash demons, and barely surviving most of the time! Of course, he is a ninja, so he is gifted with fighting and defense skills that most of us can only dream of. However, being a child, he is naturally much smaller than his opponents. Ninjai struggles to survive as every day, he must continue to fight demons to continue his journey. These kinds of struggles are why so many viewers connect especially deeply with the web series: seeing a child fighting against demons can be representative of our fights with our own demons. It is relatable, and thought that many of us have daily!

Ninjai Lifestyle: More Relatable Than You Think!

Aside from struggling when continuously battling against demons, Ninjai’s lifestyle is also one that makes this stand out. On the one hand, you have a child that is fighting demons – already an interesting juxtaposition – but on the other hand, we also witness an immense amount of maturity coming from Ninjai. Throughout his travels walking through mountains, he exudes an admirable sense of optimism, meanwhile remaining childish, perhaps due to his innocent naivety. Ninjai’s lifestyle differs from that of a child: on his quest, he encounters numerous enemies and allies alike. The interactions that take place are either violent, which again shocks the audience due to his juxtaposed child-like attitude and look, or calm.

We see deeper aspects of that when he shows a side of his vulnerability. Throughout the series, Ninjai is accompanied by a small bird, called Little Bird. To the audience, we understand this almost as though Little Bird is Ninjai’s guardian angel. For this, Ninjai must be able to ask for help. So, we see on the one hand a child that fights for his life, battles against demons, slashes them, and takes part in incredible violence, and we then see Ninjai asking for help and showing vulnerability. Even though he is courageous and almost fearless as a warrior, he nonetheless still requires help. This, for the audience, is something many can relate to – no matter how tough, strong, or independent one may be, there is no shame in asking for help or showing some signs of vulnerability.

Aside from this, we also see a spiritual side to Ninjai. While most movies and series tend to end on a good note, we also see how he struggles to survive sometimes, and we see a spiritual side of him when this happens. Whenever things get hard, Ninjai prays for help. This, contrasted to the idea that the main character is a child, can be striking for the audience. We are reminded that this is a child with a limited ability to protect himself and with real challenges in his way, and when nothing else gives, he must return to his faith and take shelter there.

Living a lifestyle of spirituality in which his role as a child is confused with that of a strong and fearless warrior, Ninjai is a fascinating character who pushes the boundaries of what we understand as maturity and childhood. Is a child still a child if he engages in violence and other activities that are usually reserved for adults? How do we make sense of this as an audience? These questions and debates are one of the reasons why Ninjai: The Little Ninja has gained the momentum that it has. Rather than simply being a story with ninjas, it makes the audience think and relate to Ninjai.

Looking for More Ninja Stories?

Needless to say, Ninjai – The Little Ninja is not your typical ninja story. However, if you are looking for more ninja movies and web series, take a look at movies including Octagon, Pray for Death, Ninja Terminator, and Shinobi. Now, of course, we are biased, so we prefer Ninjai: The Little Ninja, but there’s always room to appreciate other types of ninja-based animations and films.

Good News on the Horizon!

Fans of Ninjai have great things to look forward to. Various sources have suggested that a new feature film called Ninjai: The Little Ninja may be in cinemas in 2022. The site is still under maintenance – which is good news because it means the rumors are most likely true!

Did you enjoy this article? Do you have updates on the upcoming movie? Let us know down in the comments! You can watch more videos created by fans of the Ninjai web series on this un-official Ninjai YouTube Channel & Pinterest.

To find out more and stay in the loop, visit news & social media sites that document the Ninjai – The Little Ninja and share updates, such as The Ritz Herald, Madison Graph, Markets Herald, Film Daily, Critical Hit, Belmont Star, Fairmont Post, Vimeo, Twitter, and Medium. We are still waiting on an official date, and of course, we will let you know as soon as we do!

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