A new method to produce biodegradable plastic made from Vitis Vinifera, or commonly known as grapes, has been discovered. The brilliant mind behind this innovation is none less than Geisha Montes de Oca, based in Los Angeles and Dominican native. The said plastic, aside from being non-toxic and edible, biodegrades in a matter of days after use.
Geisha Montes de Oca develops a biodegradable plastic based on grapes with the ability to disintegrate in an average of 9 to 17 days after being discarded in any environment. The unexpected idea was born two years ago during a regular practice of observation and experimentation with everyday items. In an attempt to burn grape stems, she observed the incredible resistance to heat as she attempted to burn the plant. At that moment it occurred to her that this could be the starting component of biodegradable plastic. She immediately began searching for scientists to carry out her vision of creating an alternative to plastic with the properties found in grapes. After a significant effort and time, Ms. Montes de Oca finally found and put together a team that shared the same environmental aspirations and qualifications fitting the project.
The production of prototypes is on to demonstrate if this biodegradable product has the right capacity and resistance to altogether replace ordinary disposable plastics. Additionally, this endeavor will have a huge contribution to improving human health as well as the environment. Despite the availability of biodegradable plastics in the market, time proves to be a major hurdle in saving the planet earth, particularly the marine and its ecosystem.
In fact, according to a UN-funded report, biodegradable plastics are a “false solution” for the marine wastes problem we are facing today. Scientists send a warning that bags and bottles do not just easily break down and sink, seeming that report highpoint the omnipresence of plastic wastes under and above the ocean waters.
This information proves the point that plastic bottles may or may not totally disintegrate, and they remain in soil and water. Thus, pollution. But with the breakthrough of grape-based biodegradable, non-toxic, and edible plastic, the world will be in a better place since the process of plastic waste biodegradation occurs within days.
About Geisha Montes De Oca
Geisha Motes de Oca is a native of the Dominican Republic known for her acting prowess, business acumen, and brilliance in innovation. For years, she has been engaged in various philanthropic causes, stemming from her passion for humanitarianism. Her current motivation is working on ideas and technologies that could somehow impact the world for the better. This biodegradable plastic is the result of her collaboration with expert scientists in the field of Industrial Chemistry based in Kenya. She is currently based in Los Angeles, California.