World-Leading Forex Trading Platform PU Prime Adds ETF to its Product Line

Published on October 14, 2022

As part of its ongoing efforts to expand its product offering and provide more trading opportunities for its customers, leading online forex platform PU Prime has added exchange-traded funds to its product line.

ETFs have evolved from a niche investment product to one of the most popular ways to invest in the stock market over the last decade. There are now nearly 3,000 ETFs available in the market, with more added daily.

What exactly is an ETF, and why is it so popular?

ETFs, or exchange-traded funds, are securities that feature a pool of instruments or assets, similar to a mutual fund. However, ETFs are traded on exchanges and can be bought and sold like shares. ETFs can track indices, a basket of shares, commodities, industries, or foreign markets. They can also be inverse, leveraged, or thematic, giving investors different ways to gain exposure to various markets.

One of the primary benefits of ETFs is that they provide a simple and efficient way to invest in diverse assets. For example, an investor can purchase an ETF that tracks the S&P 500, granting them access to 500 of the largest companies in the United States.

ETFs are also much less expensive than traditional mutual funds, which have high fees and expenses, inevitably reducing returns. ETFs have lower fees and costs, making them more appealing to investors.

Another benefit of ETFs is that they are incredibly tax-efficient. When a traditional mutual fund is sold, the fund manager must sell all of the underlying assets, which may result in a capital gains tax bill for the investors. ETFs are exempt from the “capital gains tax drag,” making them a more tax-efficient way to invest.

Why Trade ETFs with PU Prime?

Flexible Leverages

PU Prime provides flexible leverage, up to 500:1. This enables traders to maximize their profits while still managing risk. The high leverage is accompanied by low spreads and commissions, making PU Prime one of the most cost-effective brokers for ETF trading. Account minimums are very low, allowing traders to start with a small investment.

Top-tier Liquidity

PU Prime works with top-tier banks and liquidity providers to provide its clients with the best possible liquidity. This ensures that there is always a buyer or seller for every trade. PU Prime also employs a number of different order types and platforms, including a proprietary trading app and algorithms, to ensure that traders receive the best possible price for their trades.

Low Spreads

PU Prime offers some of the most competitive ETF pricing and spreads. They work with significant liquidity providers and use a “No Dealing Desk” model to maintain market-leading spreads. When there is a lot of liquidity, this can be as low as 0.0 pips.

Unparalleled Support

PU Prime recognizes the importance of time and makes every effort to provide prompt and efficient assistance 24 hours a day, five days a week. They also offer a variety of resources to help investors make the best trading decisions, such as educational materials and market analysis.

Secure Trading

In addition to the standard security measures mandated by reputable authorities used by all online trading platforms, PU Prime employs cutting-edge security technologies to ensure that all accounts and personal data are never compromised.

ETFs will be available on MT5 from Monday to Friday from 16:30 to 23:00 (GMT+3). PU Prime’s customer support is available 24/5 a week so that customers can confidently trade this new asset category.

For more information on PU Prime and ETFs, visit their official website at

Contact: +248 4671 948

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