WillyWillFB Teases New Song and More Content

Published on December 31, 2021

Having announced his return to entertainment last month, WillyWillFB has really started ramping up his uploads to his YouTube channel and being more active on his Twitter. Unfortunately, we have yet to listen to a new song that he has teased, but we believe it might be sooner than you think if rumors are accurate.

Recently, he has been teased at receiving some new production from Azone, the same producer who has made some of his beats in the past. We’ve usually seen Will release a new song around two weeks or so after mentioning having received new beats, so one can guess that we will start this new year off with a banger of a new song before the end of January. It’s been more than ten years since we’ve heard a new song by WillyWillFB, so needless to say… there’s a lot of hype behind the next project he puts out.

As for more content in streaming, no sign of new Twitch streams, but he sporadically uploads gameplay and reaction videos to YouTube. Could we be seeing a shift in what Will is focusing on as far as entertainment goes? Let’s keep an eye out this earlier part of the year to see which direction he goes.

Lifestyle Editor