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Why You Should Use News Anchored to Scale Your PR Firm

Published on February 16, 2024

Most PR firms aim to get their message across as quickly as possible to a wide audience interested in the information being preached. There is arguably a set of publications that allow PR Firms to fulfill those goals with one click. What many people fail to realize, though, is that even though internal traffic on some of these sites that are run by massive brands is high, that doesn’t guarantee that a press release from a small PR firm will reach the right audience.

News Anchored is a publishing concept that solves many problems PR firms will likely encounter when working with well-known publishers. Without a doubt, News Anchored websites will allow the message that these firms are trying to get across to reach more people than it would in a local paper or other lesser-known publications. They also grant benefits that are hard to find with big-name publishers.

Local Audiences & Specialty Sites

NA Publishing Group has access to a wide array of websites that carry relevant local news articles and carefully tailored content, allowing them to develop a vast online presence. They have publishing partners in the country’s biggest markets, including New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

They also offer the possibility of being featured on specialty sites that cater to specific audiences in the realms of finance, the arts, and even real estate. This wide array of publishing options allows individuals and PR firms to find the right audience for the message they’re trying to convey.

Quick Process from Submission to Publishing

Another thing that PR firms can struggle with when working with larger publications is the submission process. Many of these larger websites get hundreds, if not thousands, of requests for articles to be published daily. This can be a problem for firms looking to promote upcoming events.

There’s no guarantee that the article will be published on a set date before the event that it’s promoting is going to take place. If the approval process drags out too long, that piece can turn out to be a complete waste of time and money.

News Anchored is committed to providing a 24-hour turnaround time that speeds up the publishing process. All of the articles are reviewed by a team of editors that ensure each piece meets guidelines. This allows the company to provide only quality articles that make it to the front page. That also benefits anyone looking to promote a service or an event.

Having an article featured alongside relevant content gives potential readers more trust in the publications and the articles themselves. This means that readers are more likely to interact with relevant links posted within the content.

Catering to Different Clients Under One Roof

The publication that will benefit one particular event or client because of its reader base may not necessarily be ideal for another. PR firms tend to work with clients from different industries who each want to deliver unique messages. The audience segmentation that News Anchored provides, thanks to the fact that it can help firms publish on various websites and even billboards, makes the PR firms’ job much easier.

There are ways to accommodate each client on a specific website or place where their message can resonate with the right crowd. This is an advantage that many publications won’t be able to provide because they feature a rather broad reader base. The success of any PR campaign isn’t necessarily measured by the number of eyes they can put their clients in front of. It’s best to ensure that they can take that message and put it in front of people who are truly going to show an interest in them.

Choosing News Anchored as an Ally

News Anchored can be one of the best tricks up a PR firm’s sleeves, with better pricing and a quick way to reach specific audiences that are extremely hard to find in the current publishing industry landscape.

Newsdesk Editor