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Why Every Business Needs Sales Funnel

90% of businesses “leaving money on the table” by not using sales funnels?

Published on May 08, 2020

Imagine all your potential visitors not only to buy your product or service but also to make additional purchases on what you have to offer. This could exponentially increase revenue.

What is a sales funnel? It is a process when a visitor goes through the steps leading to purchase products or services. This may include order bumps, upsells, down-sell.

Example: let’s say you sell flashlight’s, what if you could sell batteries at the same time. Yes, the main customer focus is on a flashlight, but he will need those batteries in order for the flashlight to work. So you’re not trying to trick people just to sell more, but rather helping them by offering a relative product.

Let’s say you have a consulting agency helping people to distribute press releases across all media networks, what if you could upsell copywriting service in this situation? – You get the idea.

One “little” problem in traditional eCommerce

Every eShop owner should use a funnel as well, but here is why the existing sales process does not work the best way it could. Look from the side: visitor coming to your clothing store and taking one item into cart, then he might come back to the home page and surf to find another attractive item. Yet, when it comes time to buy, he/she opens the cart again and sees 5 items with a 2 times bigger sum to pay, than was expected. Now in this situation, customers may leave abandoned carts and don’t buy anything at all. This psychological step may be “fixed” by asking the customer to first enter credit card details when the first item is bought and later on charge automatically.

As a business owner, you have to guide visitors to the main product, pre-think all the steps potential customers will have to take, and make sure he or she will stay happy at the end.

Funnels might be used not only in the sales process but also in lead generation, event registrations, direct marketing (quote requests, calls). All of this might be wrapped up with a follow-up funnel- accessing your audience via customer favorite platforms like email, SMS message, browser notifications, social media.

This might sound frustrating or overwhelming: what should you do next. How to remodel all these processes without hiring an expensive specialist to rebuild all marketing strategy, programmer connecting “dots” between website pages, UX designer restructuring website elements, and many other important elements.

Ready to improve your business and marketing? – Check One Funnel Away Challenge.

Newsdesk Editor