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What Makes a Great Website: The Tech Brain

Published on June 15, 2020

In today’s market, a website gives you identity and recognition, so you need to ensure your visible and updated.

With the 1st World Generation having a website for your business is imperative. It allows a potential customer to read more about the business. Moreover, it provides you with a link to represent the business. We are in a market of constant change and movement; things are now more global. You simply pick up the phone and can connect with another individual on the other side of the globe.

Commerce has been growing over the last two decades and we do not see this stopping. Growth is consistently happening even today during the pandemic of COVID-19. The online community is becoming larger each day, we are seeing growth in internet users each day, this makes buying and selling bigger online. In 2019 Global E-Commerce Sales were $3.46 trillion USD (reported on Digital Commerce 360).

We begin with a core purpose. A site needs to serve a purpose in which case needs to be functional. You need to serve a community of consumers where there is a demand of your service or product.

Tech ICS goes deeper and points on making your site look bespoke,

  • Colors and Imagery need to be consistent and contemporary where it is appealing to all types of users.
  • Structured Design, your site’s drive is to be vibrant and organized allowing users to comprehend your service or product and make appropriate purchases. This comes with the easiness for a user to navigate through your site.
  • Content, this is instrumental to ensure your site portrays the message you are intending for every user. This is where you need to provide an outline on your business, provide details of your product and services, confirm the order or the buying process and then give all your contact details so contact can be made where required.
  • Performance and speed, this is integral to cover all demographics and locations where users can access pages imminently with little disruptions.
  • Secure, a user when accessing your website needs to be secure, where a user feels that all data is secure, this is the SSL integration.

Our Web Development Team aims to provide a site where we can align a site to match your business and what fits with your consumers. We do believe the simplest of inputs allows a site to be attractive and informative.

In addition, optimizing your site to increase global ranking will ensure to build visibility, as a business this is significant to shape credibility and sales. Your site ranking is dependent on content building, search engines such as Google and Bing aim to provide its users with the information they need and the closest possible matches. This is where you need to ensure you identify keywords you’d like to appear under and work on content development to serve that community.

With the introduction of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) has built an area of the uncertainty of the level of data to collect. At Tech ICS we recommend, collecting the minimum of data from a visitor, provide a cookie policy & cookie consent.

As always, we want your character to be paved throughout the site in which case users are able to differentiate between you and a competitor, it becomes a Unique Selling Point (USP).

We hope you’ve found this article useful, at Tech ICS we want you to administer key drivers to sustain your business growth. If you require our support on your site then connect with us on

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