The Ritz Herald
© Biker Ring Shop

What Do Biker Rings Mean? We’ll Explain

Published on July 08, 2021

A biker’s ring is not just another piece of his style. This is a medium of self-expression, an indicator of his worldview, a way to tell about himself without saying a word. Do you know what other meaning a biker ring for men may have? If you don’t, then you have come to the right place. We dedicate this post to the meaning and symbolism of motorcycle rings.

Belief in the Otherworldly

It may seem incredible but motorcyclists believe in fate, karma, good and evil spirits, and all the supernatural stuff in general. Some of them even have special rituals designed to invoke good luck. Without performing such a ritual, a motorcyclist will never get in a saddle. For example, one of my biker friends always ties the laces on his right boot first. I do not know if the end of the world will come if one day he starts with the left boot, but his stern look made me understand that it is better not to raise this topic. But back to the rings. A biker ring is a manifestation of their superstition. They believe that certain symbols these rings carry can save them from trouble, bring good luck, and even drive the death away.

Bikers are not the only people who wear good luck symbolism, but they do it in the most badass manner. So what symbols, according to bikers, should bring them wealth and ward off adversity? Horseshoe, lucky number 7, dragons, carp koi fish, dice, totem animals, and many other images must cope with this noble mission. Bikers even rock Maneki Neko symbols because they are not deprived of sense of humor. The king of all symbols in the biker system of beliefs is the skull. You may think that it only carries the meaning of death, but it is not so. In fact, the skull is one of the oldest and most revered symbols. Yes, it means death, but this is only one of its many facets. It also represents life and immortality. It is for this reason that the skull is an integral part of the biker wardrobe. It is this symbol that is responsible for the safety of a motorcyclist during a ride. The skull wards off death; hence, you will notice this symbol everywhere, in jewelry, clothing, tattoos, decals, etc.

Manifestation of Spirituality

Bikers in an amazing way combine beliefs in otherworldly powers and spirituality. You can simultaneously see symbols of Christianity and paganism in their jewelry. Even more, they can blend elements of different religions in one image. The cross paired with Ganesha or the Hand of Fatima, or Christian and Satonian symbols at the same time, nothing is taboo for motorcyclists.

However, many riders wear Christian crosses for one simple reason – they believe in God. Religion does not prohibit riding a motorcycle, it can only impact the choice of symbolism. By the way, the skull belongs to the group of Christian symbols (it refers to the head of Adam); therefore, a combination of the cross and a skull is not something out of the norm.

Tastes and Preferences

You can read a motorcyclist like an open book if you correctly guess the meaning of the symbols his ring display. They can talk about many things. This can be something global, such as his attitude to life, and something specific. For example, it is not uncommon to flaunt rings with popular movie characters. Since we are talking about biker rings, they come with a difference. Oftentimes, these characters are depicted as skulls, but their statement features remain. Jack Sparrow’s skull still wears dreadlocks and a captain’s cocked hat, Spider-Man remains a friendly neighbor even in a somewhat otherworldly form. In short, a cinematic biker ring has a lot to say about his movie tastes.

His ring may also cue you in on his favorite motorcycle brand (especially if he is a Harley-Davidson fan), what kind of music he listens to (music band logos are the in thing), what his favorite sport is, and so on.

Love for Freedom

A motorcycle gives you unprecedented freedom. It surprisingly combines danger – after all, this vehicle is much more dangerous than cars – and a sense of security. Safety is the absence of judgment and bias, it is an opportunity to run beyond the horizon, it is the support and approval of like-minded people … Being a biker means having a different, more exciting life, in which you do not have to worry about how to butter up your boss or how to pay bills. This is a life that lets you be yourself and indulge your innermost desires. And the motorcycle is a symbol of this life. Therefore, biker rings will always carry the image of a motorcyclist’s most faithful friend, his two-wheeler.

A biker’s ring is not just another piece of his style. This is a medium of self-expression, an indicator of his worldview, a way to tell about himself without saying a word. Do you know what other meaning a biker ring for men may have? If you don’t, then you have come to the right place. We dedicate this post to the meaning and symbolism of motorcycle rings.

Belief in the Otherworldly

It may seem incredible but motorcyclists believe in fate, karma, good and evil spirits, and all the supernatural stuff in general. Some of them even have special rituals designed to invoke good luck. Without performing such a ritual, a motorcyclist will never get in a saddle. For example, one of my biker friends always ties the laces on his right boot first. I do not know if the end of the world will come if one day he starts with the left boot, but his stern look made me understand that it is better not to raise this topic. But back to the rings. A biker ring is a manifestation of their superstition. They believe that certain symbols these rings carry can save them from trouble, bring good luck, and even drive the death away.

Bikers are not the only people who wear good luck symbolism, but they do it in the most badass manner. So what symbols, according to bikers, should bring them wealth and ward off adversity? Horseshoe, lucky number 7, dragons, carp koi fish, dice, totem animals, and many other images must cope with this noble mission. Bikers even rock Maneki Neko symbols because they are not deprived of sense of humor. The king of all symbols in the biker system of beliefs is the skull. You may think that it only carries the meaning of death, but it is not so. In fact, the skull is one of the oldest and most revered symbols. Yes, it means death, but this is only one of its many facets. It also represents life and immortality. It is for this reason that the skull is an integral part of the biker wardrobe. It is this symbol that is responsible for the safety of a motorcyclist during a ride. The skull wards off death; hence, you will notice this symbol everywhere, in jewelry, clothing, tattoos, decals, etc.

Manifestation of Spirituality

Bikers in an amazing way combine beliefs in otherworldly powers and spirituality. You can simultaneously see symbols of Christianity and paganism in their jewelry. Even more, they can blend elements of different religions in one image. The cross paired with Ganesha or the Hand of Fatima, or Christian and Satonian symbols at the same time, nothing is taboo for motorcyclists.

However, many riders wear Christian crosses for one simple reason – they believe in God. Religion does not prohibit riding a motorcycle, it can only impact the choice of symbolism. By the way, the skull belongs to the group of Christian symbols (it refers to the head of Adam); therefore, a combination of the cross and a skull is not something out of the norm.

Tastes and Preferences

You can read a motorcyclist like an open book if you correctly guess the meaning of the symbols his ring display. They can talk about many things. This can be something global, such as his attitude to life, and something specific. For example, it is not uncommon to flaunt rings with popular movie characters. Since we are talking about biker rings, they come with a difference. Oftentimes, these characters are depicted as skulls, but their statement features remain. Jack Sparrow’s skull still wears dreadlocks and a captain’s cocked hat, Spider-Man remains a friendly neighbor even in a somewhat otherworldly form. In short, a cinematic biker ring has a lot to say about his movie tastes.

His ring may also cue you in on his favorite motorcycle brand (especially if he is a Harley-Davidson fan), what kind of music he listens to (music band logos are the in thing), what his favorite sport is, and so on.

Love for Freedom

A motorcycle gives you unprecedented freedom. It surprisingly combines danger – after all, this vehicle is much more dangerous than cars – and a sense of security. Safety is the absence of judgment and bias, it is an opportunity to run beyond the horizon, it is the support and approval of like-minded people … Being a biker means having a different, more exciting life, in which you do not have to worry about how to butter up your boss or how to pay bills. This is a life that lets you be yourself and indulge your innermost desires. And the motorcycle is a symbol of this life. Therefore, biker rings will always carry the image of a motorcyclist’s most faithful friend, his two-wheeler.

Newsdesk Editor