The Ritz Herald
Parsant Uprety

Uty Enterprise: Empowering Traders and Inspiring Success

Published on May 21, 2023

Parsant Uprety, an 18-year-old self-made millionaire, has achieved remarkable success in the trading world. Born in Jhapa, Nepal, Parsant migrated to the United States at the age of four, settling in Erie, Pennsylvania, before later moving to Ohio in 2019. Introduced to trading by a friend, Parsant embarked on a trading journey at the tender age of 15, and he hasn’t looked back since. Today, he is the proud owner of Uty Enterprise, a company that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to trade stocks and options effectively.

A Journey of Entrepreneurship and Growth

From an early age, Parsant Uprety displayed an entrepreneurial spirit that shaped his future endeavors. Growing up, he engaged in various small businesses, such as cutting grass, shoveling snow, and selling reptiles. These experiences fostered his business acumen and ignited his passion for entrepreneurship. However, it was his discovery of trading that truly set him on the path to success. In Ohio, Parsant heard about trading from a friend and was instantly captivated by its potential. Determined to excel, he immersed himself in learning, absorbing information from books, seminars, and experienced traders.

Parsant’s Trading Success and Lessons Learned

Parsant Uprety’s relentless dedication and thirst for knowledge propelled him towards success in the trading world. From the moment he started trading at the age of 15, he committed himself fully to honing his skills and strategies. While his journey wasn’t without challenges, including a significant loss of $25,000 at the age of 16 due to impulsive trading decisions, Parsant used setbacks as learning opportunities. This experience taught him the importance of patience, careful analysis, and risk management. He emerged from the setback stronger and more determined than ever, continuing his trading journey with renewed wisdom.

The Birth of Uty Enterprise: Empowering Traders

Parsant Uprety’s own journey in trading inspired him to share his knowledge and help others achieve success. This led to the creation of Uty Enterprise, a company dedicated to teaching aspiring traders how to navigate the complexities of the stock and options markets. Through online courses, mentorship programs, and a supportive community, Uty Enterprise provides students with the tools and guidance needed to make informed trading decisions. Parsant’s hands-on approach and his ability to simplify complex concepts have made Uty Enterprise a valuable resource for traders of all skill levels.

Uty Foundation: Giving Back to Nepal

Beyond his entrepreneurial pursuits, Parsant Uprety is passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of others. In addition to Uty Enterprise, he established the Uty Foundation, which focuses on giving back to children in Nepal. The foundation supports underprivileged children by providing essential resources such as educational materials and access to educational programs. By investing in the future of these children, the Uty Foundation aims to break the cycle of poverty and create opportunities for a brighter tomorrow.


Parsant Uprety’s remarkable journey from a young immigrant to a millionaire trader and entrepreneur serves as an inspiration to aspiring traders worldwide. Through Uty Enterprise, he shares his knowledge and experience, empowering individuals to achieve financial independence. Additionally, through the Uty Foundation, Parsant demonstrates his commitment to giving back and creating opportunities for disadvantaged children in Nepal. With his unwavering dedication, entrepreneurial spirit, and philanthropic mindset, Parsant Uprety is leaving an indelible mark on the trading industry and changing lives in the process.

Newsdesk Editor