Unlocked Supplements Develops the Best Pre-Workout Ever Introduced to the Market

Published on February 02, 2022

Sometimes, a product comes along that simply blows our mind with its innovation, performance, quality, and simplicity. For anyone familiar with the sports supplements industry, Unlocked Supplements have recently launched a product that ticks all those boxes and more. Their VIS Premium Pre-Workout is proving to be just the tonic for fitness enthusiasts worldwide when it comes to unlocking the maximum potential of their bodies and minds. Its success is the reason why they’ve been invited to be the headline sponsors for the 2022 Phil Heath Classic.

Yet the question on everyone’s lips is how a relative newcomer to the industry created such a powerhouse product. “It’s the passion for fitness, really,” explains Unlocked Supplements’ Jonathan Smith, “Disappointed with the range and poor quality of pre-workout supplements, some years ago, we decided to bring our expertise to fore. As a family obsessed with fitness and performance for ages, we knew that creating the product of our dreams would take time, commitment, and a huge amount of research. The combination and quality of ingredients had to be just right, and so we were prepared to take a couple of years to tweak things and get them straight and spot-on before we released it to the world.”

Unlocked Supplements Develops the Best Pre-Workout Ever Introduced to the Market

As it transpires, the fitness world was waiting for such a product and embraced it with open arms. Unlocked Supplements prides itself on the organic ingredients that have made the VIS Premium Pre-Workout a hit. It provides zero crash, maximum pump, and flavor profiles, including ginger lime and raspberry honeycomb. Jonathan Smith explains, “We’re committed to using the highest quality ingredients to boost pain tolerance, build a superior mind-muscle connection, and improve focus, all without the usual caffeine crash. It’s a winning formula in every sense.”

Lifestyle Editor