The Ritz Herald
Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh conducts a press briefing at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., June 20, 2023. © Air Force Staff Sgt. John Wright

U.S. Department of Defense Assists Coast Guard in Submersible Search

Defense Department aircraft have been made available in the search for a submersible that disappeared in the North Atlantic Ocean, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said

Published on June 21, 2023

Defense Department C-130 aircraft have been made available to the U.S. Coast Guard as the United States and Canadian authorities continue to search for a submersible that disappeared in the North Atlantic Ocean, said Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh today.

Five people were aboard the craft, which disappeared Sunday morning on an expedition to explore the wreckage of the British ocean liner RMS Titanic. The Titanic sank April 15, 1912.

As of yesterday, two C-130s had conducted search and rescue flights over the area. Today, an Air National Guard C-130 will join the search, Singh said.

The Navy will provide assets and personnel, such as subject matter experts, if requested by the Coast Guard, she said.

In other news, Singh said Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville has placed on indefinite hold the confirmation of flag and general officers.

The department currently has 64 three- and four-star nominations pending. Additionally, between now and the end of the year, there will be about 650 general and flag officers that will require Senate confirmation, she said.

“Without these leaders in place, these holds severely limit the department’s ability to ensure the right person is in the right place at the right time and to ensure strategic readiness and operational success. These holds set a dangerous precedent and put our military readiness at risk at a time when our military is expected to defend the nation, meet the acute threat of Russia, and address the pacing challenge of [China],” Singh said.

Assistant Managing Editor