Tymely Revamps Customer Support With AI-Human Hybrid Technology

Published on November 13, 2022

As the digital age movement continues, companies’ need for bulletproof customer service becomes more urgent than ever. This is particularly true in the eCommerce space where accuracy plays a pivotal link between buyers and sellers. As the building block for possible conversion rates, customer support is paramount in answering queries, addressing concerns, and pushing sales forward. But as the market evolves, the basic responses of chatbots that only often cover black and white areas no longer cut it.

Hyper-personalization plays an integral part in this disruption. Nowadays, customers treat the digital space as if they’re in the physical stores themselves – including the fact that they’re speaking with actual humans, not robots. Even though eCommerce brands have invested heavily in chatbots and AI solutions, even the most advanced NLP models still can’t fully handle the nuanced concerns of customer inquiries. Moreover, statistics show that 90% of all inquiries are still handled by CS agents. This means longer queue time and heavier backlogs, leading to slower revenue growth. One tech startup is committed to bridging this gap: Tymely.

“Customer service today is broken,” says Roy Penn, Co-Founder, and CTO of Tymely. “Many businesses are losing a lot of money because of poor customer service. Both human agents and AI have benefits, but they also have inadequacies. We created a solution that harnesses the power of human verification and human conscience and the brilliance of AI technology to produce a one-of-a-kind solution that delivers rapid, bespoke responses tailored to each inquiry.”

Tymely has recently raised a $7 million investment to automate eCommerce customer service using NLP with a hybrid AI-and-people-based contact center. The company aims to mitigate AI’s shortcomings by improving NLU (natural language understanding) technology and recruiting a salesforce to scale the business.

Highly-Nuanced Customer Service Language

One of the challenges that NLP faces is its inability to completely comprehend human language, particularly the domain-specific, often implied, and highly-nuanced customer service conversations. This boils down to the fact that bots are bot-language processors, not natural-language processors. While they can be programmed and designed to specifically address customer concerns systematically, they often leave out the subtle suggestions from human language. This poses a long-term threat in eCommerce since most customers require more than just a yes-or-no type of assistance. Some concerns are highly layered that they need more than just a bot to answer them.

What’s more, most bots and other existing AI solutions focus on a surface-level ability to converse and relay information. This is where Tymely comes into the picture. Their priority is on the accuracy of solving problems by completely understanding the customer’s nuanced language, and then by taking necessary and appropriate actions to help customers.

The Tymely Effect

With their cutting-edge AI-human hybrid technology, Tymely can handle support emails in minutes without compromising rapport, hyper-personal responses, and empathy, guaranteeing:

  • 100% accuracy;
  • 5 minutes first resolution time, 24/7;
  • Easy surge management, and
  • Customer service visibility.

With its state-of-the-art technological capabilities, Tymely is positioned to be one of the leading solution providers in the eCommerce industry, continuously breaking grounds in B2B.

Newsroom Editor