Transform Your Marketing Game: Peech for Webinars Turns Long-Form Content Into Gold

Published on April 03, 2023

As marketers, creating valuable and engaging content for our audience is a never-ending process. We invest in creating high-quality content such as webinars and interviews to generate leads and build brand awareness. But what happens when these long-form pieces of content fail to achieve their goals? Marketers are left with the challenge of repurposing the existing content to achieve their marketing objectives.

Long-form content can be a valuable source of information and knowledge for audiences, but it can also be challenging for marketers to utilize effectively. These types of content often require a significant investment of time and resources to produce, and marketers want to ensure that they are getting the most out of their investment.

The problem is that repurposing long-form content can be difficult because it is often too long for social media or other digital platforms that favor shorter, more concise content.

One common solution that marketers often turn to is to simply cut up long-form content into shorter clips. However, this process can be overwhelming and time-consuming. In many cases, the marketing team doesn’t have the skills, time, or budget to repurpose the content. As a result, these valuable long-form videos are left underutilized, resulting in lost opportunities.

Breathing New Life into Old Content

Peech has recognized the challenges that marketers face in repurposing their existing long-form content and has developed a solution to this problem. Peech for Webinars, a tool that allows marketers to automatically generate short-form edited videos from their webinars, combines the classic Peech technology with the power of AI and NLP to transform long-form videos into new topic-based short-form videos.

With Peech for Webinars, marketers can repurpose their existing long-form content with just a click of a button, transforming it into new branded pieces of content that can be published across different digital channels. This repurposing process will help increase the power of marketing strategy by producing more videos, increasing brand awareness, and generating more leads.

Peech’s power starts the moment marketing teams onboard the platform.

Once a user uploads existing webinar videos, Peech begins working instantly, producing a variety of ready-to-publish videos that are uploaded to their account within minutes. Marketers can also easily tweak the edited videos by adding or removing elements, as is in the Peech classic product. What’s more, Peech will be integrated into a company’s webinar recording software and will be automatically synced with new webinars and generate new short-form videos on the go.

Repurposing existing content can be a laborious and time-consuming process, but Peech automates much of the work. By automatically generating short-form videos from webinars, marketers can save a significant amount of time and resources that can be redirected toward other important marketing activities.

By using AI and NLP algorithms, the tool automatically edits and brands videos to make them more engaging and appealing to audiences. This can help to improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and increase conversion rates. Rather than investing in new video content, marketers can repurpose existing content to generate multiple short-form videos. This can help to reduce the costs associated with video production, making it more accessible for businesses of all sizes.

Unlock the Hidden Potential of Your Content

Peech for Webinars is a game-changer for marketing teams looking to maximize their investment in video content and take their marketing strategy to the next level. The tool provides a solution to a common problem faced by marketers when it comes to repurposing long-form content. With Peech for Webinars, marketers can revitalize their existing long-form content and generate high-quality short-form videos without sacrificing quality or creativity.

Marketers can now save time, effort, and budget while creating branded pieces of content that resonate with their target audience. Peech for Webinars is a premium product for marketing teams who create lots of long and informative content as part of their marketing strategy.

Newsdesk Editor