Top 5 Best Resources for Math Students

Published on October 24, 2022

Whether you’re getting straight A’s or you’re struggling to get by – the right resources for math students can be a game-changer.

Math is a subject that needs to be tackled differently than any other class, so you’ll need the right tools and resources to master it.

So here are 5 of the best resources for math students.

5 Resources Every Math Student Needs

Quick note – this is just the beginning! If one resource doesn’t work for you, then try something new!

Learning and studying involve a bit of self-discovery, so don’t be afraid to try out new resources.

1.     Khan Academy

Khan Academy is one of the most well-respected online platforms when it comes to learning STEM subjects. From kindergarten arithmetic to university calculus – they’ll have the right course for you.

Khan Academy has a range of videos and exercises that help support your study habits. If you didn’t quite understand something in class – try finding a Khan Academy video that explains it.

The explanations are super easy to follow and are one of the best resources for math students.

2.    IXL Math

IXL Math is another great online site with helpful games, exercises, and explanations for every grade.

Help your child learn to count or get support for yourself learning the Law of Cosines. The easy-to-follow format makes learning math just a little bit more enjoyable!

3.    Flashcards

You don’t always need technology to master a math concept. Flashcards can be a great tool for math students when it comes to memorizing certain concepts.

Use them to finally learn the quadratic formula or even to learn conceptual laws.

The reason flashcards are a great resource for math students is that they are repetitive. By physically writing them and constantly going back to check – you build a quick and easy habit that lets you get better over time.

4.   A notebook & timer

When it comes to practicing for your math test – there’s nothing better than a simple notebook and a timer.

Find some practice problems that you know you need to work on – and just get to it. Push through difficult problems, work them out on paper, and time yourself.

This way, you start to get an understand of how long it takes you to do certain problems. And even better – you’ll get to measure your growth as you learn the subject and solve the problems faster.

5.    AI Calculators

AI Calculators are a huge help for any math student. The best AI calculators are the ones that can solve a problem for you – and explain how the process.

When you’re doing your homework and nothing seems to click, use an AI calculator to work it out for you. You’ll save yourself some frustration and you’ll finally learn how to solve difficult problems.

But remember! This doesn’t mean you should let the calculator do your homework for you. Instead, it should be used as a study resource for math students.

Practice with Gauthmath

Math students need all the help they can get! At Gauthmath, we provide live tutors and qualified teachers to help you solve all your math questions.

Our free AI calculator is one of the fastest and most powerful resources for math students available. Download it now and add it to your arsenal!

Happy learning!

Newsroom Editor