The Ritz Herald
An asylum seeking family from Guatemala stands on the Paso del Norte international bridge. After border agents turned the family away at the port of entry, the family swam across the Rio Grande. © David Peinado / AP

Title 42 Extension Step in Right Direction but Much More Needs to Be Done

The following is a statement from Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), in response to the Biden administration's extension of the Title 42 public health order:

Published on August 09, 2021

The Biden administration’s announcement to extend the Title 42 public health order could not come at a more critical time as apprehension totals remain at historic levels and COVID-19 variants continue to proliferate.

“This extension is essential for public safety, national security, and will help stanch the explosion of illegal migration at the southern border which has shown no signs of slowing down for six consecutive months.

“Since its implementation in March 2020, Title 42 has been an effective tool that has mitigated the spread of COVID-19 in our country. Since the beginning of the fiscal year, at least 750,000 illegal aliens have been quickly removed from the country under this order. Without it in place, these individuals—whose vaccination and health statuses often remain unknown—would have likely been released into the interior of the country and flown or bused throughout every corner of the country.

“While the extension is a step in the right direction, it must be applied to all illegal aliens entering the country—not just select groups of single adults. It should also be applied to family units and unaccompanied minors, who carry similar health risks as single adults. Our government’s primary concern should be the health and welfare of the American people who have been put in peril by open border policies fueling an unprecedented migration crisis.”

“It’s time for the Biden administration to stop playing politics, recognize we’re on the precipice of an epidemiological disaster and get serious about securing the U.S. southern border. Trump-era immigration and border policies discouraged mass migration amid the global pandemic and must be put back in place immediately. These initiatives include reinstating the “Remain in Mexico” policy, the Asylum Cooperation Agreements (ACA)’s with the Northern Triangle countries, and restarting construction of the southern border wall.”

Deputy Editor