Tired of Dating Apps, New York Singles Turn to Upscale Matchmaking to Find Love

Published on June 19, 2024

In an era dominated by dating apps and swiping right, an increasing number of singles are reevaluating their approach to finding love. Disillusioned by the impersonal nature of digital matchmaking, they are turning to a more personalized and traditional method: matchmaking services.

For Blake Newby, a young professional tired of the repetitive cycle of dating apps, the decision to try matchmaking was a deliberate shift towards something more meaningful. “It felt like a hamster wheel,” she expressed, reflecting on her experiences with apps like Raya and Hinge.

This sentiment resonates with many who crave deeper connections than those offered by algorithms. Enter modern-day matchmaking service — BOND Club Matchmaking. Their motivation stems from addressing significant statistics—like the high percentage of elite professionals in NYC—and providing a proactive solution to finding lasting partnerships.

BOND has been at the forefront of elevating the art of introductions. Their clientele, primarily comprised of ambitious professionals and visionaries, seek their select network not just for dates but for curated opportunities to meet potential partners. It’s about having access to opportunities where you can meet people, which highlights the value of their service in a time-starved world.

However, the decision to enlist a matchmaking service isn’t taken lightly. Costs can range from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the level of service and personalization. Bond Club Matchmaking, for example, offers a high-touch, three-, six- and 12-month program aimed at refining the search for love.

Critically, matchmaking isn’t solely about logistics and introductions; it’s about fostering meaningful connections. Joseph Pascaretta, a client of Agape Matchmaking, found the experience invaluable not just for dating tips but for learning about emotional compatibility—a crucial factor often overshadowed in digital interactions.

The success stories speak volumes. Allison and Elliot Galpern, who met through Three Day Rule’s matchmaking service, exemplify how personalized matchmaking can lead to lasting relationships. Allison, reflecting on her journey, remarked, “I was so annoyed with the apps at one point… The time will come when I meet the person I’m meant to be with.” Their story culminated in marriage in New York City’s Central Park, a testament to the efficacy of matchmaking in fostering genuine connections.

As the dating landscape continues to evolve, matchmaking stands out as a beacon for those seeking deeper, more meaningful relationships beyond the superficiality of digital profiles. It’s a return to a time-honored tradition with a modern twist—an investment in one’s personal life and a proactive step towards finding lasting love.

Staff Writer