TicketsCandy: Making Events Accessible to Everyone

Published on May 03, 2023

The event ticketing industry has been stuck in its old ways for far too long. The industry is more interested in making money rather than offering top-notch, modern solutions for event holders. As a result, event organizers have to deal with complex, pricey ticketing systems, and everyday people who want to go to events have to deal with high fees and non-intuitive check-out procedures to purchase tickets.

Noticing how outdated the ticketing industry had become, an idea for TicketsCandy came to life. TicketsCandy was born with the idea in mind to revolutionize the ticketing industry and make events more accessible for everyone. Their goal is to create a user-friendly, cutting-edge ticketing platform that would help event organizers grow their businesses while reducing those pesky extra fees that make tickets less affordable for the average person. Read on to learn more about how TicketsCandy is making events more affordable and accessible for everyone.

What Sets TicketsCandy Apart?

Many ticketing platforms care more about their own profits, rather than the success of the event organizers who use their services and the accessibility of events to eventgoers. This is where TicketsCandy is different. They are genuinely committed to helping event organizers grow their businesses and making events more accessible to a wider audience. They don’t see themselves as just another ticketing software, but rather a strategic partner who is fully invested in the success of their clients.

Free Services for Event Holders

To demonstrate just how committed they are to their client’s success, TicketsCandy has made its platform completely free in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, and Spain. In the U.S., they pass a small fee of 0.9% to customers at checkout during online sales, keeping the platform free for event holders without hitting eventgoers with high fees. In-person sales are completely free in the U.S. though.

Through this approach, they aim to provide value first, before considering profit. They never charge hidden fees and are always transparent about how they make their money. The incredibly low fees they charge for online sales in the U.S. do not dissuade eventgoers at checkout, allowing eventgoers to make more sales. Yet another way they show their dedication to putting their client’s needs and success above everything else.

User-Friendly Tailored Solutions 

Another key aspect of TicketsCandy’s approach is its commitment to providing tailored solutions and support to all of its clients, no matter the size of the event. The team at TicketsCandy takes the time to understand the unique challenges faced by each event organizer and provide personalized guidance on ticket pricing, event promotion, and other critical aspects of their business.

Plus, they are committed to ensuring their platform is as user-friendly and efficient as possible. They have taken the time to incorporate automation, machine learning, and AI to give their clients all the tools they need to make informed decisions and streamline their event organization process.

Promotion of All Events

Perhaps one of the most unique aspects of this platform is that it will promote an event through its own marketing channels no matter the size of the event. Event organizers simply have to opt into event promotion and TicketsCandy will share their event with their followers. Industry-leading ticketing platforms tend to only share large events and focus all of their attention and support on them. By caring for every one of their clients no matter the size of their event, TicketsCandy shows their commitment to helping all events and businesses grow.

Ease of Use for Event Goers

Printing tickets and going through complex checkout procedures dissuade eventgoers from purchasing tickets. As a result, events become less accessible to everyone and even organizers lose sales.

TicketsCandy offers an easy-to-use ticketing widget that makes checkout simple for everyone. They use a two-step checkout process tailored towards an effortless checkout flow where customers can purchase their tickets fast with Apple Pay and Google Pay mobile wallets, as well as other methods. After they purchase tickets, they receive a QR code that can be used to easily scan them into their event.

Changing The Ticketing Industry

TicketsCandy has become the go-to choice for thousands of events, museums, galleries, zoos, tourist attractions, shows, concerts, festivals, music performances, games, and more. With their recent global launch, they have opened up a whole new world of possibilities and begun to help even more event organizers and customers on a global scale.

Although the up-and-coming ticketing platform still has a long road ahead of them, they are more determined than ever to keep pushing forward to make TicketsCandy a household name and an indispensable partner for event organizers and ticket buyers around the world.

Staff Writer