The Ritz Herald
© P.D.R. VC Limited Liability Company

This Exclusive and Personal All-In-One Intelligent Assistant is Set Out to Change the Way We Plan Our Daily Tasks

Published on July 25, 2020

Recent advances in artificial intelligence have caused a surge of public interest in such technology. Though most applications remain in their infancy, professionals across a wide range of industries have started using AI-infused assistants in order to accomplish a variety of tasks. Of course, this accelerated pace of innovation and usage has led to increased uncertainty about just where this technology is headed, as well as the impact it will have on society.

One assumption on which most experts agree is that, for the AI-human relationship to reach its fullest potential, we must advance the ability of computers to interact with us in a more natural way. Despite the many advancements made in household AIs like Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s Assistant, and Apple’s Siri, these programs are nowhere near the level of sophistication we have seen in science fiction. This is something that C9 Companies has set out to change.

In terms of innovation, C9 is taking AI technology much closer to that science fiction expectation by introducing a somewhat different approach to AI architecture and the implementation of Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems.

To achieve this goal, C9 was designed not only with a few algorithms but also with an entire grid of innovative, sophisticated algorithms designed to work in harmony with one another. Thanks to this unorthodox approach, C9 can process, analyze, and classify a staggering amount of input, producing contextual data in natural human language, all while performing tasks on the fly.

In line with the goal of creating a seamless, realistic, natural human interaction with the C9 interface, many innovations were made in the way the computer system thinks and understands the user’s input.

At its current stage of development, we can consider C9 a highly-intelligent virtual assistant and daily planner, taking care of tasks that we might otherwise find exhausting while communicating with us in yet the most natural way.

The initial phase of the program includes four primary functions:

  1. AI Chat
  2. AI Scheduling
  3. AI Note-Taking and To-Do List generation
  4. AI Calorie counter and nutrition tracker

Each of these features is incredibly easy to navigate, highly-intuitive, yet also elegant. However, it is how these four features flow through the C9 interface that makes them something straight out of a sci-fi world.
For example, with just a few words, we can ask C9 to log our grocery and to-do lists, calculate and save our daily calorie intake, take notes and meeting minutes, or schedule events and set reminders.

Though P.D.R.VC, developer of C9 and the Companion’s parent company, has not yet shared its plans for the next phase of C9, we’ve been told to expect yet another set of highly-innovative technological surprises, particularly related to our mobile devices and how we interact with them.

In more exciting news, the C9 Companion recently opened its platform for early sign-up, allowing access to its app before a public offering to be made later this year.

Staff Writer