This Behavioral Intelligence Platform Uncovers What Your Prospects Aren’t Saying

Published on August 14, 2023

Every salesperson knows that being an excellent communicator is paramount in their profession. From conveying the benefits of their products or services, and establishing long-lasting customer relationships, to closing deals, mastering the art of communication is a prerequisite to not just gaining a competitive edge, but also boosting an organization’s long-term growth.

However, when sales teams focus solely on spoken words during sales calls, they might be missing a staggering amount of crucial communication points. Keep in mind that verbal language is just a small part of the equation. In fact, only 7% of communication is conveyed through spoken words, while the remaining 93% is transmitted through non-verbal cues such as body language and tone of voice. This means that words alone represent just a fraction of the entire message being conveyed.

Non-verbal cues provide valuable insights into emotions, intentions, and receptivity to the sales pitch. Salespeople who interpret these cues accurately can tailor their approach for deeper customer connections. So, how can business leaders and sales professionals harness the power of non-verbal communication to improve sales effectiveness?

With the help of cutting-edge technological breakthroughs, businesses of all sizes now have the capacity to uncover what prospects aren’t saying, and ultimately, help them paint the whole picture to push deals forward. One startup aims to revolutionize the way B2B revenue teams close deals by providing deep insights into their prospects’ underlying perceptions through audio, text, and body language analysis: Novacy.

How Novacy Goes Beyond the Surface of Verbal Communication

In today’s competitive business landscape, understanding prospects’ unspoken thoughts and emotions can make all the difference – this is the gap that Novacy bridges.

Unlike traditional conversational intelligence tools that focus solely on analyzing spoken words, Novacy takes communication analysis to a deeper level. It goes beyond the surface by deciphering body language and tone of voice, providing sales teams with a comprehensive understanding of prospects’ emotions, opinions, intentions, and needs.

Novacy expertly combines behavioral intelligence and state-of-the-art topic analysis to empower sales professionals. By uncovering valuable insights that often remain unspoken, the platform equips sales reps with a competitive edge.

One of the key advantages of Novacy is its ability to eliminate guesswork from the equation. By adeptly deciphering subtle cues and hidden meanings, it ensures that no opportunity is missed during sales interactions. Armed with this in-depth understanding, sales reps can respond strategically and keep themselves steps ahead of the game.

Moreover, Novacy’s advanced capabilities extend to team performance evaluation. The platform can pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of a sales team, enabling targeted improvement strategies. This data-driven approach aids in maximizing the team’s potential and driving overall sales success.

Seamless Integration with Existing Toolkit

Upon opting for Novacy, users can easily link their calendars to the platform with just a single click. This seamless integration allows Novacy to automatically record virtual meetings conducted on popular platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.

What’s more, Novacy takes the integration game even further by harmonizing the CRM process. After each meeting, the platform diligently updates the CRM with all the significant information gathered from the discussion. By eliminating all tedious data entry tasks, Novacy ensures that all essential insights and takeaways from meetings are accurately captured and meticulously organized within the CRM.

Professionals can now fully concentrate on cultivating strong relationships with their prospects and clients, as well as devising winning strategies for success. By integrating seamlessly with existing tools, Novacy empowers users to enhance their efficiency, productivity, and proactive approach to sales.

Newsdesk Editor