The Ritz Herald
A man is arrested during an anti-government demonstration in Havana on July 11, 2021. © Yamil Lage

The U.S. Government Supports the Cuban People’s Ability to Demonstrate

The Biden administration has denounced the military exercises, with the State Department calling them a “flagrant attempt to intimidate Cubans.”

Published on October 18, 2021

The United States strongly condemns the Cuban regime’s decision to deny permission for peaceful protests to take place on November 15. By refusing to allow these demonstrations, the Cuban regime clearly demonstrates that it is unwilling to honor or uphold the human rights and fundamental freedoms of Cubans.

“The Cuban regime’s denial comes after it announced its intent to position troops on the Cuban streets from November 18-20 to intimidate Cubans and quash the previously-scheduled, nationwide peaceful protests. These latest moves add to the repressive response to the July 11 protests that people in Cuba and around the world witnessed.

“The United States remains deeply committed to the Cuban people, their right to assemble peacefully and express themselves, and their struggle to freely choose their leadership and their future.” – Press Statement by Ned Price, State Department Spokesperson.

President Biden released a statement following the July 2021 protests: “I unequivocally condemn the mass detentions and sham trials that are unjustly sentencing to prison those who dared to speak out in an effort to intimidate and threaten the Cuban people into silence. The Cuban people have the same right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly as all people. The United States stands with the brave Cubans who have taken to the streets to oppose 62 years of repression under a communist regime.

“Today, my Administration is imposing new sanctions targeting elements of the Cuban regime responsible for this crackdown—the head of the Cuban military and the division of the Cuban Ministry of the Interior driving the crackdown—to hold them accountable for their actions. This is just the beginning–the United States will continue to sanction individuals responsible for oppression of the Cuban people.

“As we hold the Cuban regime accountable, our support for the Cuban people is unwavering and we are making sure Cuban Americans are a vital partner in our efforts to provide relief to suffering people on the Island. We are working with civil society organizations and the private sector to provide internet access to the Cuban people that circumvents the regime’s censorship efforts. We are reviewing our remittance policy to determine how we can maximize support to the Cuban people. And we are committed to restaffing our embassy in Havana to provide consular services to Cubans and enhance our ability to engage with civil society, while ensuring the safety of U.S. diplomats serving in Cuba.

“Advancing human dignity and freedom is a top priority for my Administration, and we will work closely with our partners throughout the region, including the Organization of American States, to pressure the regime to immediately release wrongfully detained political prisoners, restore internet access, and allow the Cuban people to enjoy their fundamental rights.”

Associate Writer