The Ski Mask Girl: From Waitress to Social Media Star

Published on November 09, 2021

If you’re on TikTok, there’s just about a 100% chance you have seen a shirtless guy, a duck, and a girl in a ski mask come across the For You Page. The Ski Mask Girl, who currently has 1.6 million followers on TikTok, chooses to keep her identity hidden. We followed up with her to ask her some burning questions!

What made you get involved with Tony?

It is actually a pretty funny story, I met TooTurntTony on a bar when he was on a date with another girl. At the time, I was a waitress at the restaurant he was visiting. Flash forward a little bit, I was in one of his TikTok videos on the lake where sprayed a Bierstick onto my face for a video. The video quickly went viral, and the rest is history. We have been creating wild content ever since.

Why the ski mask?

To be honest, it started as a joke. I wore one and the fans were super enthralled with the “hidden identity” aspect of it, it caused a stir in the comments. It was something that gained traction and we just had no need to fix it since it was going so well. A few months later, I switched my username to @theskimaskgirl and started posting my own content. The mask is just a part of my internet identity at his point?

Be honest, how many masks do you have?

I get this question all the time, I kind of stock up on them whenever I see ones that I like. I have some LV, Gucci, patterned etc style ones that are my “go to”, but my collection is pretty large at this point. I recently launched my own collection on website where I sold custom branded masks. They sold out super fast, so that is something I will probably continue doing and those will make up most of my collection!

Will you ever share your identity?

It really is not a huge secret what my identity is, but we have played into it for so long that I will probably stick with it for the time being. My social media channels are growing rapidly, and there’s some aspects of a hidden identity that are nice. I do not get recognized in public like Tony does which can be exhausting for creators, so I like that part a lot. I put the mask on and it’s kind of my second identity – and I kind of like it that way.

What is the best part of being a digital creator?

Most definitely the flexibility. I worked in a restaurant before this, and there were long hours especially during all the covid restrictions. Being a digital creator I can film when I want which is a plus, and it is something I actually enjoy doing. In addition to the flexibility, I had no idea there was so much money to be made in this space. Kind of opened my eyes to another whole area of life that I didn’t know existed prior to TikTok.

Lifestyle Editor