The Secret to Success in 2023: BruntWork’s Philippine Outsourcing Offers a Competitive Edge for Businesses

Published on June 08, 2023

The outsourcing industry has been steadily growing in recent years. With the ongoing “great resignation,” the popularity of remote and hybrid workplaces, and the increasing prevalence of automation technologies, it’s likely to continue expanding. Global outsourcing spending is expected to grow significantly, with estimates predicting it will reach $731 billion by 2023.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected thanks to technology, outsourcing offers businesses of all sizes the opportunity to access specialized skills and resources, achieve cost savings, and enhance customer service. Although outsourcing is not a new concept, it has gained significant popularity in recent years as a way for businesses to maximize their efficiency and reduce costs.

Outsourcing certain functions allows companies to focus on their core competencies and leave non-core activities to specialized third-party providers. This will enable businesses to allocate resources more effectively and strategically, resulting in cost savings that can be invested in other areas of the company. Additionally, outsourcing can provide access to specialized skills and resources that may not be available in-house, enhancing the quality of work and overall customer satisfaction.

Winston Ong, CEO of outsourcing company Bruntwork, shares, “Outsourcing to countries like the Philippines can give businesses the competitive edge to effectively grow fast and achieve success.”

Benefits of outsourcing in 2023

One country that has become a top destination for outsourcing is the Philippines. Filipinos are known for their excellent English communication skills and genial attitude when working for foreign companies. Working from home is also a big advantage for them, as it allows them to avoid the hassle and cost of commuting, on top of other welcome benefits. BruntWork has found that virtual assistants from the Philippines are highly satisfied with their jobs.

Another benefit of outsourcing is the mental freedom of delegating tasks to others. When business owners or managers are bogged down with mundane or repetitive tasks, focusing on more creative or strategic activities necessary for business growth can be challenging. By outsourcing these tasks, managers can free up mental space and energy, which can be directed toward generating new ideas and developing new strategies.

Working with Bruntwork

With an impressive roster of large clients and a wealth of experience since 2010, BruntWork is well equipped to provide expert assistance in outsourcing to countries like the Philippines, Colombia, and beyond. The company works closely with clients to find the perfect employee for their business needs. It has a reputation for delivering high-quality results and helping small and large businesses establish remote teams quickly.

BruntWork ensures that businesses can access top-tier talent to help them grow and thrive. From telesales to multi-channel customer support, data, and analytics to digital marketing, digital content production to web and app design, BruntWork deploys specialist teams across these functions and more.

Likewise, the outsourcing company is highly rated by its employees, who have praised its growth and opportunities, with an overall rating of 4.6 on Glassdoor. As CEO Winston Ong noted, “The company has seen explosive growth, with plans to increase its staff by five-fold this year.” This growth has not gone unnoticed, with many employees citing their experience at BruntWork as having a considerable impact on their expertise. The company is committed to supporting its employees’ growth and development, allowing them to deepen their knowledge and expand their skill sets.

Outsourcing can benefit businesses of all sizes, particularly when hiring virtual assistants from off-shore locations. By leveraging the skills and expertise of off-shore employees, companies can achieve cost savings and improve efficiency while also providing meaningful employment opportunities to workers in these countries.

Newsroom Editor