The Movie TRAVERSE Is Now Available on Amazon US and UK After Being Canceled Midway Through COVID-19 Pandemic

Published on January 27, 2023

The Japanese movie Traverse starring a real Japanese fighter, is now returning to the screen with its launch on Amazon US and UK.

With Traverse, director Yuki Okada succeeds in making a rare example of a Japanese martial arts filmstrip that doesn’t convince with SFX but with real martial arts. That is guaranteed by Karate Grand Master Jun Tamegai, who impressively shows his skills in the movie.

Yuki Okada, born in Osaka in 1945, has worked in numerous roles in movies for many years, producing documentaries and TV shows as well. However, his secret love was martial arts cinema. That’s why he participated in different action film projects, including as an assistant director to the highly-sought Jackie Chan.

The movie Traverse is the newest type of film that revives the essence of the action movies produced in the 1970s but without the wire action or CGI. It can be enjoyed in different ways by an audience who loved Japanese movies of that time and those who wished to see action with substance.

One of the cool things about this movie is that its main character is a true martial arts karate fighter. The realistic action—that could be only expressed by a genuine practitioner—enables the audience to experience “realistic” that stimulates hitting the opponent.

‘Action’ is an important element in many Japanese movies, particularly in the genre of Japanese action films. These films often feature fast-paced and intense fight scenes and may include martial arts, swordplay, and other forms of physical combat. Additionally, action may also be used to convey themes and emotions in a dramatic context.

Showing realness in action movies can also be used to create a sense of immersion and credibility in the audience, making them feel like they are a part of the action. It can also be used to make a political or social statement.

For example, in some Japanese movies, the samurai culture and its way of fighting are depicted in a realistic way to show the audience how brutal and deadly it can be.

The Traverse movie revolves around the main character named Jun Takanashi, a martial arts karate practitioner who lives a peaceful life with his journalist wife named, Aki. They had no kids, but they adopted a girl, Rina, and moved on as a happy family.

However, one day, something unbelievable happens to the three of them. Aki suddenly disappears while visiting the fireworks display together. The world collapsed for Jun after the police found out about her suicide. In desperation, Jun shuts down his valued art of karate and his Dojo. He was filled with guilt and started drinking.

The relationship with his daughter also seems to be broken, but when Rina is endangered by a brutal Yakuza gang a few years later, Jun is able to fight. Now, he has to apply all of his martial arts skills to fight his way to her daughter.

Those who weren’t able to watch the Traverse in 2020 due to the cancellation amid the coronavirus pandemic can now finally be able to do so. The good news is that it can be accessed in two countries.

Renting the movie on Amazon UK is available at £4.49 and for purchase at £9.99. Meanwhile, Americans interested can also rent the movie for $2.99 and $9.99 for purchase. It is also available in SD.

Those interested in watching the movie can check out the following links: Amazon UK and Amazon US. Further information on the movie can be accessed by visiting Traverse’s official website at

Lifestyle Editor