The Freedom Era is Making Entrepreneurship Attainable & Enjoyable

Published on November 24, 2022

The appeal of entrepreneurship is undeniable. The idea of running your own company, giving you unlimited freedom of time, money, and decision-making power is the stuff dreams are made of. But despite the millions of people who desire to be their own bosses, few will take the plunge – and even fewer will succeed. This is due to a myriad of factors, including launching a product that isn’t in high demand or well-designed; a lack of business knowledge to operate a company successfully; an inability to attract the right customers; and not knowing how to scale or automate your business.

The opportunities to get started in your own business are endless, and many offer the option to come on part-time and learn the ropes as you maintain your full-time gig for financial security. But as much as a mentor may promise to “teach you everything you need to know,” they’re still only one person juggling many people, as well as their own line of business. The majority of the work will still fall squarely on you, and you may be left on read for days as you wait for help.

With so little support, it’s no wonder that so many aspiring entrepreneurs leave those dreams behind them. Businesses fail, and they fall back into working for someone else to make ends meet. The concept of creating generational wealth slips through their fingers.

That’s where The Freedom Era is different. Rather than let you try and fail with minimal supervision and interaction, their entire approach to entrepreneurship is based on education. The Academy is their one-stop shop for learning business, marketing, and how to leverage your online presence, along with access to some of the most successful online entrepreneurs to learn from directly. All of the answers to your questions are at your fingertips, accompanied by a supportive and inspiring community that will push you to be the best version of yourself.

On top of the coursework provided to you, The Freedom Era Academy includes extensive mindset training so that you can pinpoint what exactly is holding you back personally and professionally. When you are aligned with the product that you’re offering and believe in your messaging, you will be amazed at how your ideal clients find you and connect with you. The sales aspect of entrepreneurship should never be painful or forced; it should come naturally, and The Academy will show you how to convert viable leads into loyal clients and friends.

Many “side gigs” remain just that – a secondary source of income, oftentimes a very minimal amount monthly, but The Freedom Era typically grows into a full-time job. With a global presence, the opportunities for growth are endless. Because of their health-based offer and focus on improving the world around them, The Freedom Era has timeless values that appeal to so many individuals.

As with any job or career, who you work with makes all the difference. And although you run your own business with The Freedom Era, access to their community is one of the most appealing parts of their program. Meeting people who are just like you, going after what they want and believe in, creates a support system that you won’t find in any other entrepreneurial venture.

It should come as no surprise that The Freedom Era community sings the praises of both The Academy and their friends and colleagues met through this life-changing experience. Their overwhelmingly positive feedback tells you everything you need to know about how The Freedom Era prepares you for anything entrepreneurship may throw your way.

Positive Reviews

The Freedom Era Academy has supported me to grow and expand in every way both personally and professionally.

The community is one of the most dynamic, supportive, and uplifting places to be. Imagine over 5000 people all truly supporting each other to succeed, that’s what I found inside this academy and community.

The mentorship, training, and support within the academy cover everything you could need to grow a thriving business online, to do the internal and external work to truly create the life you are dreaming of.

I cannot recommend this community and academy more.” – Sarah Holroyd Hill

THE FREEDOM ERA is the best tool assisting you to create your unique freedom lifestyle. I am passionate about creating financial freedom but haven’t had a product to sell nor did I know the ‘how.’

The Freedom Era has taught me everything I need to know and also affiliate with a high-profit offer, the best and most sustainable product from my personal perspective which I am happy to have found within this amazing and growing platform. Not to mention all the beautiful Souls, who already created financial freedom with this platform and this product, now assisting all of us in achieving financial freedom for ourselves.

The best tool. The best people to be and co-create. The best place to learn how powerful our unique and personal brand truly is when getting out of your comfort zone and becoming comfortable with it. The Freedom Era has taught me everything up until now and I continue to grow with it, creating my personal freedom lifestyle with it. Can’t wait to welcome and see all of us succeed!” – Andrea Albertshofer

I joined The Freedom Era a little more than a year ago and it was the best decision I made for my business.

I am so blown away by the high-caliber training involved that they offer. This platform is not just about how to start and level up your business but how to be the best version of yourself! There is so much personal training from top leaders in self-development that it’s incredible. Outside of this platform, you would pay thousands of dollars to be coached by these people and they are at your fingertips inside the academy.

TFE offers the best education in video training, automation, funnels, promotional resources, weekly master mentorship calls, and a trial discovery process with a digital business service that provides incredible sales support!

You can not go wrong with your business inside this platform! My business has turned a corner for the better after joining and I am so grateful for that!” – Jenn D Starr.

Entrepreneurship Doesn’t Have to be Lonely

When you start your own business, you take on risk and stress, but there’s no reason that you have to experience these trials and tribulations alone. The support that you can receive from others going through the same things that you are can make all the difference in you staying the course and making your way on your own.

By choosing a proven program with all of the tools you could ever need, you’re declaring that you’re in it for the long haul, and not just dabbling in the idea of independence. By choosing The Freedom Era, you’re declaring that your future is bright, and your career fulfilling.

Are you ready to embrace the freedom of entrepreneurship?

If so, The Freedom Era is waiting for you!

Newsdesk Editor