Thai Dating Culture Tips Why It is Difficult for Foreign Women to Find a Proper Date and Love in Thailand

Published on February 10, 2023

Thai dating culture undeniably has a deep connection to Dating in Thailand.  Dating in Thailand is a unique and rewarding experience for foreigners. However, this experience is not entirely positive, as it also presents some complex challenges. There is no one reason these difficulties exist—just a broad and variable set of cultural and social differences contributing to this.

The Thailand dating culture is quite different from the dating culture in many Western countries, and this can be difficult for foreigners to understand and adjust to.

Boasting over 6000 successful couples, 700 marriages, and counting, the high skilled matchmaker of the Thailand dating scene, Bangkok Matching – Thailand’s Premium Dating Agency, have analyzed the Thai dating scene extensively. This Thai dating agency has shaken the world since its inception in 2006, explaining why it is difficult for foreign women to find love in Thailand.

Why Foreign Women Find It Difficult to Find a Proper Date and Love in Thailand

It will be challenging to explain this without giving a quick rundown of Thailand’s dating culture, as it is the root of most of these challenges.

  • The first thing to note is that, arranged marriage is not rampant in Thailand. In fact, Thailand’s dating culture nowadays encourages freedom and choices. Relationships are usually based on the couple’s compatibility, which include the man’s capability to provide and the woman’s ability to care and dedicate for the family. Even in rural areas, most parents do not arrange marriages for their children. They might approve or disapprove of their child’s choice, but the ultimate decision is personal. There is even more freedom in urban areas like Bangkok or Chiang Mai and other big cities.

This is why dating apps are popular in some group of the Thai dating scene. Everyone is out finding their perfect match, and foreign individuals are included. You’d think this would make it easier for foreign ladies, but it isn’t the case.

  • Another vital characteristic of Thai dating culture is that traditional gender roles are majorly observed. The man is the provider, while the woman does most of the caregiving. When it comes to dating, the man is expected to make the first move, plan the dates, and pay the bills.

Dating in Thailand is quite different from the dating scene in other countries. Foreign men take to it like fish to water, but it doesn’t favor international ladies especially Western ladies as much.

This disparity is because of many factors, which we’ll outline for you. With the help of Bangkok Matching – the longest running premium dating and matchmaking service agency in Bangkok, we have been able to highlight several factors that influence dating in Thailand to a large extent.

We will tie it all together now and narrow down why foreign women struggle to find a proper date and love while dating in Thailand, using Bangkok as our case study.

  1. Beauty And Aesthetics

On the Bangkok dating scene, Thai men generally lean toward dating Thai ladies because of a strong sense of familiarity.

Bangkok Matching revealed that most Thai men appreciate the aesthetics of a Thai woman, i.e., slim, slight in stature, and women of average height. These women are also very youthful since most Thai women look younger than women their age from western countries.

Many Thai men don’t extend past what they’re used to in this aspect—sticking with the aesthetics and beauty standards they know.

Even foreign men seem to flock toward the slim and svelte aesthetic of the Thai woman. While the homely traits and characteristics of Thai women appeal to foreigners on a deeper level, their physical appearance and build are enough to captivate and entice a large majority of foreign men.

They even end up pursuing relationships with beautiful Thai women rather than their foreign counterparts because of the exotic traits, welcoming and sweet personality, and nature of Thailand women.

  1. Cultural Differences Between Locals and Foreigners

It would not be accurate or fair to generalize all Thai or all foreign people only in terms of Bangkok dating. Experiences in dating and relationships can vary immensely depending on their circumstances, personalities, and cultural backgrounds.

There is a huge difference in dating culture between Thailand and Western countries. And this can often make it difficult for foreign women to find a date, love or long-term commitment in Thailand.

Thai Men Prefer Soft-spoken Women: Most Thai men opt to court local indigenes because Thai ladies are prone to be nurturing, family-oriented, and soft-spoken. In the overall Thai setting, Thai ladies usually speak less and let the man do the wooing. A Thai lady can express her feelings to a man, but she must do it tactfully or come off as aggressive.

This is different from dating in the western world, and some foreign ladies find it difficult to adjust to it. What they see as “green lights” could be interpreted as “coming on too strongly” by some Thai men, leading to some awkward situations.

Thai Men Love Family-oriented Women: Thanks to how these ladies are brought up, family is the most important thing for Thai ladies.

With a Thai lady, Thai men can rest assured that their family and children are high on their wife’s priorities. They make sure to keep the home organized, help out where they can, and work hand in hand with their husbands to ensure their family’s needs are met.

Foreigners, on the other hand, usually prize their independence. Some of them might put their personal needs over their families. This is very different from the Thai way. 

  1. Personal Preferences

Despite all this, some Thai men find foreign women attractive, exotic, and enticing. These men are usually people of relatively low social status. These include some farmers, surfers, or people in low-level professional careers. However, foreign women usually overlook them, thinking they are below their social level.   Foreign ladies usually set their eyes on equal and higher-class men, but these men have their sights set on traditional Thai wives.

Meanwhile, most foreign men come to Thailand with the idea of a fresh start or a change in the dating scenery. These individuals often find the Thai dating field to be a refreshing change of pace from what they find familiar. Thailand is known for hospitality and kindness, which can be a pleasant experience for foreigners who might be used to more reserved and colder cultures.

The majority of these foreign men tend to settle down or return to Thailand for a long-term stay and eventually find themselves falling in love with the rich Thailand culture. Unlike some places where you have to decide between dating appealing women or dating cultured ladies, the women of Thailand offer men the best of both worlds.

  1. The Language Barrier

The language barrier can be challenging for foreign women seeking romantic relationships who do not understand the Thai language.  More often than not, their potential partners do not speak English or any other language they are familiar with, making it more difficult for them to communicate and build connections.

While that could be the same with the rest of the world, foreigners visiting Thailand tend not to bother learning the local language. Instead, they patronize Thai dating agencies to make up for their inability to understand the local dialect and indulge in the Bangkok dating scene.

  1. Societal Biases

Societal or personal biases can refer to the preconceived notions or prejudices that people may hold about certain groups of people, which can influence their behavior and interactions with those groups.  In the context of foreign women seeking love in the Bangkok dating field, these biases can make it more difficult for foreign women to find partners.

For example, some Thai people may have certain biases or prejudices about foreign women, such as assuming that all foreign women are promiscuous and free spirit. These biases can lead to misunderstandings, making it more difficult for foreign women to form meaningful relationships with Thai people.

Similarly, some foreign women may have biases or prejudices about Thai people, which can affect their ability to form relationships.  For instance, a foreign woman can hold the misconception that all Thai people lack culture, are not keeping up with the current and not well-rounded, which can lead to misunderstandings or negative interactions in the Thailand dating field.

Additionally, many Thais are hesitant to pursue relationships with foreigners due to the fear of cultural differences and not wanting to relocate. There are also a lot of foreigners in Thailand who socialize majorly with other foreigners. That can make it challenging for foreign women to meet with local men.


Cultural differences can make it difficult for foreign women to adjust to and understand Thai dating customs.

Language barriers can also make it difficult for foreign women to communicate with potential partners and understand local customs and traditions.

Finally, the lack of available options for meeting potential partners makes it very difficult for foreign women to find eligible partners or even get involved in a proper dating in Thailand.

These obstacles make it seem impossible for foreign women to find a proper love in Thailand, but they can surmount them easily. With the help of a highly experienced dating and matchmaking agency like Bangkok Matching, you can find your missing rib in no time. Try it out and see the love in Thailand.

Newsdesk Staff