Technology: What’s HR Got to Do With It? By Amber Thomas

Published on March 27, 2022

It’s no secret that technology has taken the world by storm. There is data science behind everything; from the coffee we drink to watches that tell us how many steps we have taken for the day. But what most people don’t know is that there is a face behind the technology. How are these individuals chosen to assume these imperative roles? What education must you obtain to access these types of jobs? What experience is needed to break into this dynamic industry and who is monitoring all this talent? The answer is simple, ‘Human Resources’. Human Resources, HR for short, has been around since roughly the early 1900s. Although HR departments differ, depending on company and industry, the common denominator is most of them recruit talent for the organization they help to manage.

HR Departments are tasked with finding Tech professionals daily. According to, the U.S. Labor Department projects that Data Scientist, Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers, Software Developers, Software Quality Assurance Analyst, along with many other technological roles, will be amongst the fastest growing jobs going into 2030. The process of vetting these highly sought-after individuals has become a job in itself. One who leads this search is often referred to as a Technical Recruiter. Technical recruiters collaborate with hiring managers to better understand the responsibility of the role, needs of the team, and expectations of company. Using the information they have gathered, they then search for the perfect candidate to fill the role. Sounds easy right?

The reality is companies are growing at exponential rates and because the rate of technology growth is undefined, the number of hires rarely exceeds the need for fresh talent. In short, by the time a recruiter has filled one role, there are already multiple other openings waiting to be filled. Recruiters must not only identify good talent, but they must also connect with the candidate and convince them that the company they represent is the candidate’s next best opportunity. In order to win candidates, recruiters may find themselves explaining perks and benefits, speaking tech jargon, and in many cases using the finer art of negotiation.

So again, you ponder: “Technology…what’s HR got to do with it?”

And to that I respond. “Everything”.

By Amber Thomas
Newsroom Editor