The Ritz Herald
Dillon Vibes

Team Engage: Revolutionizing Edutainment for Lasting Corporate Success

Published on January 09, 2024

There are businesses in the corporate space who believe that the question of employee training has been solved. Their managers simply pick from a known style—consultative, participative, persuasive—then schedule the meetings, prep the worksheets, and read over the approved PowerPoint presentation. But Mike Draper and Danelle Delgado of Team Engage have seen how boredom and mundanity can make any team fall short of their potential, and they want to change things. They have a different suite of tools and ideas that can transform team training into an experience that will have any corporate team energetic at meetings, eager to learn new skills, and excited to change for the better.

“Edutainment is eliminating the legends of the past,” say Mike and Danelle. “Meetings, corporate trainings, and worksheets are out. Consuming life-altering information in an entertaining and self-satisfying manner is in.” Team Engage has a system that takes advantage of modern virtual tools to bring a corporate team together in a way that keeps them happy. “Laughter and transformation is what it’s all about. If they cannot wait to train, change is inevitable.”

The dynamic perspectives that Mike and Danelle bring to their training strategy are one of its best assets. Danelle is a long-time entrepreneur, a single mother who built an empire while raising her three kids. She’s one of the most sought-after female speakers in the world for corporate and personal development. Mike is a former SWAT police officer, a certified Crisis Intervention Team member, and an Air Force vet who is also a dad, an MBA, and a viral content creator. He’s a master of social media and a speaker whose online business savvy is gaining the world’s attention.

Erin Latterell Burk

Erin Latterell Burk

“We are the teammate every company needs and has been missing, and we are the virtual mentor every employee is looking for. It’s virtual training that’s high-level and entertaining.” It’s all built on virtual training that employees can participate in online, review on their smart devices at will, and use to come together for the improvement of the entire team. They call it their “13 Rules of Engagement” training system, and they believe to their core that its goal of building employees is the key to exponential company growth.

Team Engage has been working to develop this system for over 15 years, and their confidence comes from the outcomes they’ve achieved. Their virtual training system eliminates turnover and improves employee engagement, and it gets accelerated results. The key, they say, is to improve not only the productivity of employees, but also their happiness, their mental health, and their personal lives. “Heal the humans, scale the company,” they say. “Good humans becoming their best, learning to scale their sales and show up online for company and human expansion.”

Mike and Danelle see a message in all of this: that all the training drills, practice cold calls, scripts, and role-playing aren’t going to change a company the way real human transformation can. They believe they’ve built the best tools to achieve that transformation, and that it can yield happier people and more profitable companies. “It really is life-changing team training,” they say. “This system works. And we have the tools to help them work it for life.”

Business Editor