The Ritz Herald

Syndaartist Connects With His Purpose and Vision on a Higher Level With ‘dReAmWoRtHy’

Brainwaves fuel dreams and nightmares

Published on December 22, 2023

In the human psyche, ‘theta’ brainwaves are the source of visions. It’s in this theta state, typically encountered during profound meditation, where we can unearth our most meaningful and deep-seated revelations. The theta brainwave state is often linked to sensations of being in a dream or asleep. This occurs because as we slip into the theta state, our conscious alertness begins to diminish, leading us into a more serene and relaxed state.

The luxury of dreams comes at a high cost for African Americans in the United States. The aspirations of this community are frequently stifled, marginalized, politically manipulated, racially stereotyped, and deliberately sabotaged to guarantee failure.

Young black males represent the species most under threat in all of humanity. They are the most feared and hunted individuals globally. From fields as diverse as science and sports, black men leave their mark on every facet of existence. Their dreams transform into visions that span generations and have a significant impact on the world. Dreams serve as life’s most precious currency: a mental wealth. The ability to dream allows individuals to see beyond their suffering and understand their true value. Syndaartist, a Recording Artist and Entrepreneur, comprehends the value of his dreams in 2023.

The Evolution of Arcel aka Syndaartist

The birth of the Recording Artist and Entrepreneur known as Syndaartist was a profound blend of turmoil, endurance, intention, and divinity. From the moment he was discharged from the hospital, his life diverged from the ordinary. His family offered a unique blend of unconditional love interlaced with dysfunction. Syndaartist was divinely gifted with a heightened perception that encompassed seven senses. This extraordinary perception served as his shield during the bleak periods of his early life and acted as a sanctified beacon of safety during his journeys.

Music held a significant place in Syndaartist’s childhood, ultimately shaping his destiny. His deep connection with Hip-Hop and rap culture can be attributed to diverse influences. The genesis of Syndaartist’s journey can be traced back to his early years when he scribed gospel rap lyrics for his younger sibling. This act of love kindled the artistic passion within Syndaartist’s spirit. Immersing oneself in his music is akin to being consumed by an auditory journey, propelled by his unconventional creative prowess. His recent single ‘dReAmWoRtHy’ encapsulates the spirit of aspirations born on the streets paired with an audial finesse.

The ability to convert memories and dreams into reality is not a trait commonly found in average individuals. Syndaartist is a unique lyricist in the realm of hip-hop and music. His rhythm and distinctive style reveal a part of his melodic talent. As we approach 2024, Syndaartist is aligning with his mission and aspirations on an elevated scale through ‘dReAmWoRtHy’. Recently, Syndaartist secured a worldwide monetization collaboration with RADIOPUSHERS and MUSICHYPEBEAST. This partnership aims to expand the digital and commercial exposure of his brand.

Contributing Writer