Sustainability in Flex-Workspaces: A Small NY Company’s Sustainability Approach

Published on May 23, 2024

In the modern corporate environment, sustainability is transitioning from a buzzword to an essential component of responsible business operations. While many businesses strive to reduce their environmental footprints, the coworking and flex-office industry has lagged in adopting sustainable practices.

Despite the global proliferation of coworking, shared office, and flex-office companies, a glaring void exists when it comes to prioritizing environmental responsibility at the forefront of their operations. While many tout amenities, social events, and convenience, few have claimed a commitment to sustainable practices, making the efforts of those who do stand out all the more significant. Amidst this landscape, Blue Panda Office Spaces with its headquarters in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, has been redefining the standards of holistic sustainability within the flexible workspace sector.

A Holistic Approach to Sustainability

We had a chance to learn more about Blue Panda Office Space’s approach to sustainability. At Blue Panda, sustainability is not an afterthought but a core principle embedded in every aspect of its operations. From the initial selection of office spaces to its daily maintenance routines, sustainability is meticulously integrated into the company’s ethos.

Sustainable Site Selection, Construction, and Interior Design

The sustainability journey at Blue Panda begins long before the doors of its office spaces open to its users. The company takes a strategic approach to site selection, prioritizing locations that are easily accessible via public transportation and equipped with amenities such as bike racks to encourage eco-friendly commuting. By choosing commuter-friendly locations, Blue Panda reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation, setting the stage for a more sustainable workspace environment.

Blue Panda Office Spaces strives to ensure that products and services obtained throughout the entirety of its supply chain are acquired in a socially responsible and environmentally conscious manner. From partnering with contractors and suppliers who actively uphold labor rights and maintain safe working conditions to prioritizing business ethics in all transactions, Blue Panda sets a gold standard for ethical procurement practices.

Blue Panda Office Spaces places great emphasis in using long-lasting products, organic fabrics, and no-VOC paints, ensuring that every aspect of its build and finish prioritizes environmental responsibility and durability. When it comes to its interior finishes, Blue Panda employs biophilic design principles, integrating natural elements like indoor greenery and maximizing natural light. The company carefully selects most of its furniture from suppliers committed to responsible manufacturing practices, including the use of FSC-certified and GREENGUARD Gold Certified furniture, and extends the life of its furnishings whenever possible.

Operations and the Workspace Experience

Blue Panda encourages the use of reusable cups for coffee consumption and provides recyclable coffee pods, minimizing waste. Additionally, the company utilizes recycled paper towels and compostable trash bags, further reducing its environmental impact. When it comes to cleaning, Blue Panda opts for biodegradable and non-toxic products with refillable containers to minimize packaging waste.

But sustainability at Blue Panda goes beyond environmental considerations. The company understands that true sustainability encompasses the welfare of those who occupy its spaces. That’s why Blue Panda Office Spaces are designed to be more than just functional work environments; never crowded or loud, they are serene, beautiful sanctuaries that prioritize cleanliness and comfort.

Moreover, as a reflection of its dedication to social responsibility, Blue Panda ensures that all employees receive livable wages and prioritizes their welfare, fostering a culture of care and respect within the workplace. Through its unwavering commitment to ethical sourcing, Blue Panda not only sets an exemplary standard for sustainable business practices but also demonstrates its dedication to creating a better world for all.

Energy Efficiency and Waste Reduction

Blue Panda Office Spaces actively incorporates several energy-saving measures to minimize its environmental impact and reduce energy consumption. The company utilizes LED lighting throughout its offices, which not only consumes less energy but also lasts longer than traditional lighting. Smart thermostats are installed to optimize heating and cooling efficiency, adjusting temperatures based on occupancy and time of day. All appliances are chosen for their high energy efficiency ratings, ensuring reduced electricity usage. Regular maintenance checks are conducted to ensure that HVAC systems and other equipment are operating at peak efficiency. Additionally, Blue Panda designs office layouts to maximize natural light, reducing the need for artificial lighting and creating a more pleasant working environment. These practices collectively contribute to significant energy savings and demonstrate Blue Panda’s commitment to sustainability.

Sharing is Caring

Furthermore, Blue Panda supports environmental initiatives on a global scale, contributing to reforestation projects and conservation efforts through donations to organizations such as the Environmental Defense Fund, One Tree Planted, and Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park. Blue Panda’s founder, Dr. Paula Madrid, believes that the only way to run a company is to run it in a sustainable manner but also by helping larger efforts towards a greener planet, ensuring that every business decision not only minimizes environmental impact but also contributes positively to global sustainability initiatives.

In terms of measurable impact, companies like Blue Panda can significantly reduce waste. For instance, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that commercial buildings in the U.S. can cut energy usage by 30% through implementing energy efficiency measures alone. Additionally, Blue Panda contributes to global reforestation efforts, aligning with objectives that have shown to sequester millions of tons of carbon annually worldwide.

Blue Panda Office Spaces serves as a blueprint for sustainable workspaces, demonstrating that environmental responsibility and business success can go hand in hand. By prioritizing sustainability from site selection to daily operations, Blue Panda sets a new standard for the flexible workspace industry and inspires others to follow suit. In a world where every action counts towards a more sustainable future, Blue Panda leads by example, proving that sustainability isn’t just a choice—it’s a necessity.

As Blue Panda continues to expand its footprint in the shared office space market, its commitment to sustainability remains unwavering. The company continually seeks out innovative solutions and partnerships to further reduce its environmental impact and promote sustainable practices within its community. With Blue Panda at the forefront of the movement towards sustainable workspaces, the future looks brighter and greener for businesses and the planet alike!

Newsdesk Editor