The Ritz Herald
Steven Giordano

Steven Giordano Producer and Executive Vice President of FFL Health and Wealth Success Journey

Published on March 06, 2023

Steven Giordano is the Three times Family Life number one overall producer and executive Vice President of FFL Health and Wealth. He is also a family man and a proud father of two amazing boys. Giordano is heavily invested in faith and a lover of physical fitness and entrepreneurship. Steven’s inspiration is driven by the desire to want more for his family. His passion is helping people, and he believes money is not always an issue. The issue is always about helping people.

Giordano successful beliefs

Giordano would like to be perceived as a leader who wants everyone on his team to win at a high level. To achieve this, he is willing to put in the hard work to be a high-level entrepreneur by being passionate about people and solving their financial needs. Giordano believes his success is through grit, hard work and determination in the right system. He also believes that going to work and following the path of other leaders who came before him was part of his success. Giordano’s best advice is to bet on oneself and always invest capital in business without fear. This past year the Health & Wealth Agency grew 30% and warranted two Hall of Fame Producers.

Giordano Turning Point

Giordano’s life changed when he took a chance and joined Family First Life. In his first year, in only 11 months, he made a name by becoming the second producer in the entire company. The subsequent years were followed up by three straight years of over $1 Million in issues paid and #1 overall producer 3 straight years. Giordano’s achievements include a $1.4 million issue paid in personal life insurance premium and leading a team doing $7 million a year. Giordano’s goal is to finish 2023 with his team growing another 40-50% and eclipse over $10 Million in Issue Paid Life.

Newsdesk Editor