The Ritz Herald
Tore Arnesen

Speaking With Tore Arnesen: A Writer Who Looks for Deeper Meaning

Published on April 07, 2022

Did you always envisage that this book would spawn a sequel?

It was considered when writing my first novel BEYOND RAGNAROK but never became a certainty until I finished it and started its sequel BEYOND YGGDRASIL.

Do you start writing with the key identities of your characters already formed?

Not really.  I only had my primary character Jens’ identity mostly developed when I began writing. All the other characters mostly were developed as I was writing.

What’s the message you want people to take away from your work?

The likelihood of there being other highly intelligent beings throughout the universe.

Why have you chosen to use ‘Beyond’ in both your titles?

Because I wanted to have my readers open their minds up to the possibility that the world is not limited to present observable realities, but what may be discovered by keeping an open mind to new possibilities and realities. We can best do this by imagining and dreaming about what the future may provide us with.

Can we expect a trilogy from you in the near future?

I’m undecided about adding a third novel or sequel. This is because my first novel was about the cold war period or the past and my second was about what happened afterward or about the present. On one hand, I like leaving whether Ragnarok (A catastrophic end to the world) finally really happens uncertain and to allow my readers to decide this likelihood for themselves or to definitely answer this question by writing the third novel.

How do you think your core message is reflected in the world we live in today?

Well, I think I answer this question in my second novel. So, will leave it to those who may be interested in the impact, if any, of my writings to read BEYOND YGGDRASIL.

Does your main character borrow any traits from people you’ve met in real life?

Of course. How can a writer avoid doing this?

How can people get in touch with you to discuss your ideas?

By visiting my web page at or sending me an email at

Do you have a sequel or any unrelated new novel underway?

I am considering several possible stories and plan to keep writing, but have not started anything yet. I’m waiting for inspiration because writing without enthusiasm is not as fun or enjoyable and not as likely to stir the imagination.

Speaking With Tore Arnesen: A Writer Who Looks for Deeper Meaning
Lifestyle Editor