The Ritz Herald
© Biprajit Parbat

SNA Meditation for Mental Hygiene Is Necessary Says Doctor Integralist

Published on March 01, 2021

DOCTOR INTEGRALIST BIPRAJIT PARBAT is a qualified medical professional who takes an integral approach to transform and upgrade your lifestyle, both physical and mental, to a state of complete wellbeing.

“I have a knowledge center and blog available for FREE for more scientific information on healthy living.” – Biprajit Parbat,

One dimension approach like only healthy eating or only exercising is not enough in today’s world. A complete lifestyle transformation is necessary to cope with the fast-changing world. We are modifying our world at a swift pace. Our evolution remains almost the same way it was a hundred years back. These are spawning stress and diseases. Almost 70% of them are lifestyle-related.

Why is meditation important?

If you are unsure about the benefits of meditation, it is a must to know that it helps you mentally but assists you in physical health. Once you start practicing it, you will know how beneficial it is for your overall well-being. It improves our cognitive function, reduces stress-anxiety, depression, prevents heart attack & related diseases & their complications, improves our decision making, happiness, executive capabilities – the list is pretty long.

We clean our bodies with soap and water daily. We clean our teeth when we brush daily. We clean our bowels almost daily. But what about listening and cleaning our minds of unnecessary & unproductive thoughts? How do you do that? Every day our mind gives rise to many negative thoughts and ruminations that are not useful. We need to observe these thoughts non-judgmentally and see these passing by or release those if necessary. We can focus on an important thought too. This is meditation. A healthy lifestyle is incomplete without it. Practice SNA Mediattion.

What is SNA Meditation?

The basics of meditation that can take you far and help you clear your mind are practicing SNA meditation – Stillness of Non-judgmental Awareness (S.N.A.). Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Avoid distractions and relax. Now all you have to do is observe your breath. The thoughts will come and go. Some thoughts may able to capture your attention and makes you run behind them. If that happens – bring back your attention to your breath. Do not judge yourself or any of your thoughts. It is just you, your breath, and the stillness. The thoughts will come and go before your non-judgmental awareness.

This is how you can achieve S.N.A. – the simplest form of meditation.

From years of research, it is clear that meditation brings physical changes to our brains.

It is a muscle. More you practice it. More you have it. It rewires our brain and makes it less anxious. The possibility of you getting hijacked by your immediate & unnecessary reactive thoughts becomes negligible. Your cognitive function improves. You can think clearly. It is necessary for maintaining mental hygiene daily.

We can clean our bodies, our clothes, our teeth, and even our bowels regularly. How about rebalancing and clearing our minds? What do we do to clear our minds from unnecessary thoughts? The only thing you can do is close your eyes and observe your mind to find what is going on there. Meditation is the answer

Practice Stillness of Non-judgmental Awareness daily to clean your mind. That way, your mind will remain better functional. It needs regular maintenance.

I’ve heard that you will publish a book on this integral approach to disease prevention based on this integral approach very soon?

Yes, I am. This will be a simple word of guidance on how you can lead a healthy life by managing the four pillars of health – food, exercise, sleep and stress management. The name of the book “Doctor Integralist’s prescription to Healthy Living.” It will be published in the middle of April 2021 for the benefit of humanity.

Here is a video on SNA meditation for all of you:

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