SHRM Appoints Alsheail as a Member of the Certification Commission

Published on January 24, 2023

Abdulrahman Alsheail has officially been selected by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) in the United States to become a member of the Certification Commission. Alsheail is thrilled to join the commission, which focuses primarily on technical supervision and advisory support for the SHRM’s professional certification programs.

SHRM, which is headquartered in Alexandria, VA, was founded in 1948 and has over 300 thousand members across 165 countries worldwide. The group aims to elevate the HR profession by creating workplaces where employers and employees thrive together.

Members of the Certification Commission are carefully selected by the SHRM. These notable professionals in the HR industry are well-qualified elite experts and senior specialists from all across the world.

The Certification Commission is responsible for ensuring that the certification program meets the highest standards of quality and fairness. This includes overseeing all technical aspects of the program, such as exam development, eligibility criteria, and recertification process.

Alsheail is currently the Human Resources Director-General at The Institute of Public Administration in Saudi Arabia. This will be the first time a member from Saudi Arabia has been selected as a member of the commission.

In response to the news, Alsheail expressed his excitement and gratefully accepted the offer.

“I am honored to have been selected for such a prestigious role within the human resources industry. I can’t thank SHRM enough for this opportunity. I’m confident my breadth of knowledge and extensive experience will benefit the group and the industry as a whole.”

Alsheail, like many others, is happy to see clear development and progression within the industry in his home country, and how the HR practices and regulations are changing and becoming more progressive.

Saudi Arabia is undergoing a significant shift as the labor market becomes more global. In attempts to modernize the workplace, the country has been updating its laws and regulations surrounding work-related issues. This means big changes are coming for those in HR.

“There’s no better time to be in the HR industry,” Alsheail said.

Newsdesk Editor