Sharon Srivastava and Gaurav Srivastava are a happily married couple blessed with two wonderful kids. More than parents, the couple founded the Gaurav and Sharon Srivastava Family Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping solve a systemic food and energy crisis affecting people throughout the globe. In order to affect change abroad, you must begin by setting an example at home.
For the Srivastavas, teaching children to be thankful for what they have and grateful for the people who love them and their surroundings is a valuable life lesson. Positivity and empathy have been shown to have beneficial effects on mental health and well-being.
Sharon Srivastava believes that gratitude is an acknowledgment of thanks for the blessings and challenges in life. It allows us to move forward with a clear mind and open heart, and to filter challenges through the lens of gratitude takes courage. Cultivating gratitude can be a healing balm that creates a space of strength within us. When we cultivate gratitude, it becomes second nature and can be there for us in moments of distress and pain. Srivastava teaches her children to cultivate gratitude by focusing on the things they are grateful for, even in difficult times. This helps them shift their focus from lack to love and move forward with a sense of hope and determination.
Defining gratitude, Sharon Srivastava states, ”Next time you take a walk in the sunshine after the storm clears or share a cup of tea with a loved one, whenever your happy moments are, take a deep breath in recognition of all the events that brought your life to this moment. And say thank you and feel your heart expand. When you cultivate this, it will become second nature and will be there for you in moments of distress and pain. Take a breath, close your eyes, even when they’re filled, and say thank you to all that has brought my life to this moment. You may feel the pain expand, but your heart will also expand and hold you in love and gentle grace because it remembers. The storm will pass. Love will return. Blessings lie ahead”.
As parents, Gaurav Srivastava and Sharon Srivastava want to instill the importance of gratitude and show their kids how they can express this gratitude in meaningful ways. The Srivastavas also want to teach their children the importance of accepting gratitude from others and appreciating it. After speaking with Sharon Srivastava and Gaurav Srivastava, we identified six lessons outlining how to help kids cultivate a deeper appreciation for the world around them and the people in it.
Emphasize Saying “Thank You”
Expressing appreciation is important for well-being and it sets a great example for kids to follow. Expressing thankfulness helps to create a positive attitude and cultivates a culture of kindness. It can also help to strengthen relationships, as thanking someone for their help or efforts can be a form of acknowledgment and appreciation. These bonds can form friendships and possibly lifelong connections with others. This helps children accumulate social circles so they can be confident and happy.
Expressing appreciation can even create feelings of joy and satisfaction, as it is often the thought that counts. To encourage children to say thank you regularly, parents should lead by example. Model this behavior by saying thank you to your children when they do something for you. Also, talk about the importance of expressing gratitude and how it can make both you and the other person feel good. Remember setting a good example is key for children to want to follow your action. Lead by example!
In a recent conversation with Sharon Srivastava, she emphasized the importance of gratitude and how it starts with simple gestures like saying thank you. According to Sharon, expressing gratitude can have a powerful impact on our own well-being and the well-being of those around us. She shared how taking a moment to show appreciation can improve relationships, increase happiness, and even improve physical health. It’s clear that Sharon values gratitude and believes in its transformative power. It’s a reminder that we should never underestimate the impact of a simple thank you.
Model Gratitude
When children observe their parents and other adults expressing gratitude, they learn the importance of being grateful. For example, when a child sees you thanking someone for a kind gesture or special gift, they learn to express appreciation for small and big acts of kindness. Similarly, when a child sees you say thank you for a meal or when someone holds the door open for you, they learn to value simple acts of decency.
You can model gratitude in daily life by verbalizing your appreciation for your relationships, activities, and other blessings. Acknowledge the people in your life and thank them for the contributions they make, no matter how small. Make an effort to thank your child’s teachers, coaches, and other adults who help care for them. Show appreciation for your home, the food you eat, and other material items. Finally, expressing gratitude for yourself and what you are capable of is also important. Teaching your child to be proud of their accomplishments and to be thankful for their own effort is a great way to build self-esteem.
Sharon Srivastava and her husband Gaurav Srivastava make a conscious effort to model gratitude for their children. They believe in the importance of teaching by example and want to instill the value of gratitude in their children from a young age. Sharon shared how they regularly express appreciation for each other and their children, and how they encourage their children to do the same. By setting this example, they hope to nurture a sense of gratitude in their children that will stay with them throughout their lives. It’s clear that Sharon and Gaurav Srivastava understand the value of gratitude and are committed to passing it on to the next generation.
Encourage Giving
Giving is an important part of living a meaningful life. It can provide us with an opportunity to show love and compassion for our fellow human beings, and it is a great way to give back to our communities. Teaching our children the importance of giving can help them develop empathy, gratitude and a sense of responsibility. We can emphasize the concept of giving by involving our children in hands-on activities such as volunteering at a local charity, donating to those in need, and writing cards or letters of appreciation to special people in our lives. By demonstrating the joy of giving to our children, we can instill a sense of gratitude and a desire to share their own resources with others.
By participating in charitable acts, children have the opportunity to learn how to show compassion towards people outside of their own family and friends. They can also develop a sense of responsibility for the world around them, understanding that as citizens of the world, it is our duty to help those in need. Additionally, teaching children to give to others helps them to build empathy, which allows them to recognize and identify with other peoples’ feelings and experiences. It is an important component of emotional intelligence and overall well-being.
There are many different ways that you can encourage giving with your children. For example, you might involve them in charitable activities, such as volunteering at a soup kitchen or collecting donations for a local animal shelter. You could also talk with your children about the importance of giving and share stories with them about people who have made a difference in the world through their acts of kindness. This helps your child visualize and comprehend the world through their bond and communication with you.
In addition to the personal benefits of giving, encouraging children to give can also help to build a sense of community and foster a strong sense of connection to others that can be lasting. When children see the positive impact that they can have on the world through their actions, they may be more likely to continue giving and helping others throughout their lives.
Sharon Srivastava and Gaurav Srivastava also encourage giving and charity to their children. They believe that it’s important to teach their children the value of helping others and giving back to the community. To that end, they founded the Gaurav and Sharon Srivastava Family Foundation, a charity that focuses on food and energy security issues across the globe. Through their foundation charity work, Sharon and Gaurav Srivastava are able to involve their children and give them the opportunity to make a difference in the world. It’s clear that Sharon and Gaurav are dedicated to instilling a sense of purpose and responsibility in their children and helping them become compassionate and caring individuals.
Show Appreciation For The Small Things
Teaching kids to be grateful for the small things in life is an important lesson that can help shape them into more self-aware, kind and compassionate individuals. Show them the beauty of a sunset and the richness of a delicious meal they can enjoy. Remind them to appreciate the people in their lives and show them various ways to express appreciation, like writing thank you notes, giving compliments and simply taking the time to show gratitude and recognize the efforts of others. By constantly reinforcing the idea of gratitude and appreciation for the small things in life, kids can learn to recognize and express it for the larger things too.
Sharon Srivastava also shared with me some of the lessons she has learned when it comes to teaching kids to show appreciation for small things. One of her recommendations is to encourage gratitude through nature and outdoor activities, such as hikes or walks in the park. She believes that being in nature can help children slow down and appreciate the small things in life, such as the beauty of a flower or the sound of birds singing. Sharon also recommends taking the time to notice and appreciate the small acts of kindness that people do for us, whether it’s a colleague holding the door open or a friend offering a listening ear. By pointing out these small acts of kindness and expressing gratitude for them, we can help children develop an appreciation for the people and things in their lives.

Show Appreciation For The People In Our Lives
It’s important to teach children the importance of being grateful for the people in their lives. Showing gratitude and appreciation for friends, family and other loved ones can have a powerful impact on relationships. Encourage children to express their appreciation for the people in their lives. This could involve thanking someone for kindness or for their support and being aware of the ways in which others have helped them. Make sure to model this behavior yourself, as it will show your children that gratitude and appreciation are fundamental values in life.
Here are some actionable ways you can express gratitude with acts of kindness.
- Sending a thank you card
- Writing a positive review
- Leaving a positive comment online
- Giving a compliment
- Kindly offering help or advice
- Saying thank you
- Visiting a friend or family member
- Donating money or goods
- Writing a thank you note
- Volunteering your time or services
Encourage Reflection
Reflection is a key concept for helping kids understand how fortunate they are to have the things they do. By understanding their privileged position, they can be more mindful of the resources they have and how they use them. Reflection also helps kids to appreciate what they are grateful for in life. To help kids reflect on the things they are grateful for, parents can read books and discuss stories that highlight what kids have and the resources they can access.
Parents can also talk about the concept of privilege and how it applies to their kids’ lives. Moreover, parents can give the kids opportunities to experience gratitude by having them volunteer their time and resources to help those who are less fortunate. Finally, parents can encourage kids to write in a gratitude journal daily, listing the things they are thankful for. In doing so, kids can gain perspective on how privileged they are, and build appreciation for the things they have.
- Identifying one’s strengths and weaknesses
- Keeping a gratitude journal
- Taking time to think about how one’s actions affect others
- Assessing one’s own biases
- Reflecting on past successes and failures s
- Making an effort to listen to others
- Examining how one’s values align with one’s actions
- Practicing mindfulness
Sharon Srivastava and Gaurav Srivastava also encourage reflection in their children as a way to cultivate gratitude. They believe that taking the time to think about and list the things we are grateful for can help us appreciate the good in our lives and cultivate a sense of contentment. To that end, they have encouraged their children to write down or share the things they are grateful for each day. This could be as simple as a warm bed to sleep in or a delicious meal to eat. By taking the time to reflect and express gratitude, Sharon and Gaurav hope to help their children develop a positive outlook and an appreciation for the blessings in their lives.
On reflection, Sharon Srivastava states, “When I impart gratitude to my kids, it’s about cultivating a space inside of them that when they’re having a difficult time, we take a breath and speak of things they are grateful for – their toes, their nose, their family, their snack, their dog…whatever can shift their focus from lack to love. And from that space, we move forward with deciding what to do next”.
In Conclusion
By raising kids with an attitude of gratitude, we can help them grow into kind and generous adults who are considerate of others and their needs. Showing our children the value and power of gratitude through our words and actions can help to instill in them the importance of showing gratitude to others and gratitude for all that they have.
Teaching gratitude to our children can have a butterfly effect and encourage our children to philanthropic endeavors like food and energy security by Sharon and Gaurav Srivastava Family foundation. Gratitude and awareness for other people and other cultures start at home.
Now that you know the power of gratitude and ways to teach it to your children, remember it is important you show gratitude towards your children as well. Children often want to be validated and a small “good job” or “thank you”, here, and there will go a long way.