Self Publishing Titans: Helping New Authors Find Their Way Since 2019

Published on June 29, 2023

Thousands of new authors try their hand at the publishing game each and every year, some with success, but most realize that publishing a book successfully is a daunting task that most struggle and leaves them feeling overwhelmed.

This is where Self Publishing Titans steps onto the stage. The founder of Self Publishing Titans, Corvin Van Stone has helped thousands of authors to achieve their dreams of publishing. Many become best selling authors on Amazon by using the popular tools that Self Publishing Titans has designed to help guide authors along their journey.

Founded in 2019, Self Publishing Titans has one of the single most extensive collections of tools for authors and publishers available anywhere online. Similar to keyword research and SEO marketing for web-based content, publishing books in the modern age requires keyword research for everything from title creation, book descriptions, backend keywords, finding the best categories and so much more.

Self Publishing Titans has the most popular free keyword research tool on the market that helps authors find the most appropriate and lucrative targets for their work. Let’s face it, most authors only have vague ideas about how to get a book ranking and selling online to their ideal audience.

Rather than going by gut instinct or using your best judgment, Self Publishing Titans help point authors to the niches that work for their book, giving it a better chance of success in the marketplace as well as helping new authors build relevant audiences. But you don’t have to take our word for it.

With over 120,000 users, the keyword research tools provided by Self Publishing Titans is a tested and proven utility that sets Corvin Van Stone and Self Publishing Titans apart from the many other resources you might stumble upon while scouring the Internet for help publishing your latest project. He also created a free Facebook Group where authors can come for help and ask questions, with over 50,000 publishers who have joined since its creation.

Corvin Van Stone is also one of the top self publishers on Amazon and sold over 150,000 books to date from his own books. He has also published and earned many best selling author badges on Kindle Direct Publishing since starting in 2019. Many authors have a dream of becoming successful writers and publishers, and the Internet has made approaching this easier than ever before. But it takes experts like Corvin Van Stone and the team at Self Publishing Titans to help transform dreams into action plans and translate that further into reality.

After a lot of demand and requests from his users, Corvin Van Stone has also created courses to help people that want to speed up the learning curve of everything related to self publishing and learn the exact methods he uses that enabled him to become a successful author. Over 3,000 students have enrolled in his courses all of whom have learned the skills necessary for success on the global publishing stage.

So often, writers have had to go at it alone when it came to releasing their work to the marketplace; with Self Publishing Titans, authors can venture forth undaunted, embracing the challenges of self-publishing with the confidence of an expert and the knowledge that they have a solid team behind them every step of the way.

Newsdesk Editor