The Ritz Herald
Colombian Vice President and Foreign Minister Marta Lucia Ramirez and U.S. Ambassador to Colombia Philip S. Goldberg welcome U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken as he arrives at the CATAM airbase, in Bogota, Colombia October 20, 2021. © Luisa Gonzalez

Secretary Blinken Participates in the Ninth U.S.-Colombia High-Level Dialogue

Blinken met Colombian President Ivan Duque ahead of talks with regional officials to discuss migration in the Americas

Published on October 22, 2021

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken led the U.S. delegation to the ninth round of the U.S.-Colombia High-Level Dialogue (HLD) in Bogotá, Colombia October 21. First conducted in 2010, the dialogue serves as the flagship opportunity for the United States and Colombia to deepen our cooperation across a broad range of bilateral issues. All discussions focused on recognizing progress on our shared goals, highlighting the spirit of partnership, and designating future areas for inclusive engagement under this framework. Colombian Vice President and Foreign Minister Marta Lucía Ramírez led the Colombian delegation.

At the HLD, delegations from the two countries held discussions on expanding cooperation in the areas of Economic and Social Opportunities; Education, Culture, and Sports; Environment, Climate Change, and Health; Energy and Infrastructure; Democracy, Good Governance, and Human Rights; and Security, Counternarcotics, and Rural Development. Secretary Blinken and Vice President Ramírez committed to work with civil society and other relevant stakeholders to advance racial and ethnic equity and equality in both countries, and to deepen cooperation on combatting environmental crimes, rural and digital development, and strengthening climate change action.

With the conclusion of the ninth HLD, the United States looks forward to celebrating 200 years of bilateral relations with Colombia next year and reaffirms our commitment to partner with the people and government toward our shared goals and a more inclusive, democratic, secure, and prosperous future for our region.

Spokesperson Ned Price
Newsroom Editor