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© Scenario

Scenario: Streamlining Game Development With Generative AI

Published on April 10, 2024

Recently, generative AI has been shaking up almost every industry out there. But despite its close tie to technology, the gaming industry is yet to be penetrated by the same tools. But that is all about to change as a new generation of tools emerge, allowing developers to leverage AI tools to create game assets, visuals and even AI games.

Scenario is leading the charge, allowing developers—from studios to solo devs—to harness the power of generative AI. Streamlining development to save tim. Let’s take a closer look at where Scenario fits into the development process.

Immediate Ideation

The most widely appreciated aspect of AI tools are their ability to quickly generate ideas. While concept generation is useful during a project’s early stages, true value comes from being able to meaningfully refine and iterate on those concepts—creating something which can actually be deployed.

Going beyond most models, Scenario is powerful in both idea development and iteration. Giving users the creative precision necessary to truly craft their vision through a variety of features, including:

  • The creation of custom AI models by anyone, anywhere at any
  • Stylistic consistency by default (unlike Midjourney!).
  • Combining features from multiple visual inputs within a single
  • Full data lineage and

Deep Character Development

Imagine you are trying to craft a characterful protagonist for your game. Once you have the initial concept, you need to create character turnarounds, craft their moods and costumes, and then bring them to life through a sprite sheet or full 3D render.

It’s a lot of work. Fortunately, Scenario can do it all in a matter of hours. Shaving weeks off your production schedule.

Creating Coherent Functional Graphics

As you step further into development, clear, visual communication with the player becomes hugely important. Scenario can help to keep the vision of these functional graphics coherent, without the need for outsourcing.

Whether we’re talking about creating a sense of place through textures and backgrounds, a relevantly themed HUD, icons for the UI or even just achievement icons, Scenario’s ability to iterate within the bounds of a given style make it a wonderful assistant for more game designers and artists.

Introduce Diversity in Post-Production

No matter what level of the games industry you work within, people are always going to underestimate the amount of time needed to refine the look and feel of a game after the main experience has been completed.

I’m talking about all the variant skins, detail refinements, additional UI elements and marketing materials required to really make an experience pop. As a tool that creates AI game visuals, Scenario makes quick work of these tough tasks. Simply plug in your in-game design and iterate on it to create things like seasonal variants, different localisation visuals and plenty of promotional materials.

This is particularly useful for marketing, as generated visuals can quickly be taken into A/B marketing tests to discover which design is most effective before committing tonnes of resources to refining it.

Generate New Prototypes and Full Games

We’ve already seen how Scenario can be a useful tool to help streamline the design process, but it doesn’t stop there. Scenario has the power to generate fully functioning platformers for you, through its WebApp and Unity plugin.

While these AI game outputs can become full experiences in themselves, many developers will find them particularly useful for creating quick prototypes. Allowing new concepts, features, or full games to be tested without wasting time or developmental resources. Fast prototyping like this can help to take experiences above and beyond their competition.

Protecting Your Process

Onboarding an AI tool like Scenario can be daunting for many developers who worry that their process will become a black-box or, worse, be absorbed into the AI model and then shared with others. Fortunately, the team behind Scenario are well aware of this, and work hard to protect the process of developers.

Their models have strict privacy rules with fully traceable data lineage. Meaning that when you train a custom model, it will only train the model available to your team. Moreover, returning to past generations, and recovering their inspirations, is easy thanks to each asset being created with their complete data lineage attached (including model, seed, date, user, and parameters).

GenAI and Game Development

Scenario brings the power of generative AI to some of the most complex and time-consuming parts of game development; from concept to post-production. All while keeping the process and ideas of developers safe and secure. Empowering creators to continuously ideate, iterate and streamline every stage of the game development process.

Where could Scenario help you, and your team?

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