Ru Mackenzie and Ryan Hubbard of Cool 2Be Conscious Create High Vibes Across the Earth

Published on November 05, 2022

They inspire people to find their true freedom and peace and live a fulfilling, fun, and productive life through their powerful sessions in alternative health and wellness.

Having the vision to attain specific goals is one thing, but having the courage and guts to choose to walk on unusual roads, face innumerable challenges and still keep walking on their paths, hustling and learning each day to turn those visions into a reality is a different thing altogether. People belonging to the latter category are those that surrendered to their dreams and chased them determinedly to reach where they always wished to be. Ru Mackenzie and Ryan Hubbard did the same by initiating something as amazing as Cool 2Be Conscious (C2BC).

Cool 2Be Conscious has been leading people to become the fullest expression of themselves, bringing inner awareness and personal growth through informative and educational Podcasts, IG Lives with online flow sessions, pre-recorded meditations, state-shifting breathwork, and habit resources on the Website, Stillness with 1-hour flow of breathwork, meditation, and community, C2BC Experience, a 6.5 hours event to help people let go off old habits and beliefs and create a new life, Retreats offering fully-immersive experiences cultivating positive habits, Facilitator/Licensees to help people align with their visions through comprehensive training and C2BC Plus, a conscious shop creating ethical products to assist the conscious living.

C2BC stands unique as a 7-figure business by founders Ru and Ry, living very simple lives. It is all about feeling happy with the basics, like having a roof over heads and access to clean water; considering everything else as a bonus, and imbuing the attitude of gratitude in people. The founders say that they could scale their business because of their authenticity, fully expressing their truth and doing what feels right for the movement and for those they are serving. What also worked for them was getting on board the right kind of people feeling as passionate about the movement as the founders themselves.

As a growing movement, they, too, faced several challenges like self-doubt, and both of them had started it with two people at the beach. They ran these sessions on Sundays the whole year, and this consistency helped them grow their community. They say that having a vision bigger than personal gains helps people drive through challenges. They gave more than they thought they could authentically, and that’s how their sessions expanded. Gradually, optimizing the momentum, they introduced other aspects and quickly grew C2BC (@cool2beconscious) which today has become a global movement, creating space for people to connect and grow together.

Lifestyle Editor