REP Digital on Capturing More Leads in Your Booth: Unlock the Potential of Custom Video

Published on November 10, 2023

Trade shows and conferences are invaluable opportunities for companies to showcase their products, network with industry peers, and, most importantly, make contacts. However, the abundance of opportunities can overwhelm the senses of your potential customers. Video marketing offers a perfect solution to this problem.

Why video, you may ask? Because it’s a welcome buffet for your target’s senses. Even though it is said that in today’s media-saturated world, content is king, not all content is created equal. Poorly presented but important information will lull readers to sleep 9 times out of 10. On the other hand, well-designed images and engaging narratives with a touch of interactivity will inevitably appeal to all demographics.

Instead of relying solely on static displays and brochures at trade shows, creating custom videos is a perfect way to engage visitors to your booth and leave a lasting impression. These videos can convey your brand’s story and value proposition in a more engaging and concise way and give visitors the opportunity to ask questions. And since you can’t exhaustively answer all questions at the event, this is a great opportunity to attract qualified leads and pave the way for further communication. Several studies have shown the power of video content in marketing. According to Forrester Research, “One minute of video is worth more than 1.8 million words.”

Judy Gatena Karpinski CEO of REP Digital agrees “Corporate marketing professionals hold a strong affinity for custom video content because it allows for hyper localized content that can be tailored to specific audiences again and again.”

When it comes to engaging customers and driving sales, video trumps all other channels. “Video advertising is 600% more effective than print and direct mail combined,” reports Diode Digital. According to Aberdeen Group, “Companies that use video increase sales 49% faster than those that don’t.” According to a recent study by Yans Media, “viewers retain 95% of a message when they see it in a video, compared to 10% when they read it in text.”

What all these researchers are saying is that customized video marketing is your best chance to achieve a high marketing rate ROI and stand out at trade events. But that also means you need to up your video game to encourage meaningful interactions and drive lead generation. Specifically, for a trade show, you need to keep several things in mind.

First, the content of the video must align with your brand identity and the theme of the event. A cohesive narrative that addresses problems and offers solutions will resonate better with attendees. Second, remember that event attendees have a limited amount of time, so your video should convey the core message in the first few seconds. Visually appealing graphics, bright colors, and a clear call to action are all great ways to increase the impact of your video.

Below are practical tips on how to maximize lead generation with custom videos at your booth.

Videos should include the following:

  1. Tailored content for different segments of your target audience. Address specific pain points and highlight solutions that resonate with each segment.
  2. Interactive elements like QR codes, touchscreens, or polls within your videos to engage attendees and gather their contact information.
  3. Social media integration to encourage attendees to share snippets of your videos on social media platforms using event-specific hashtags. This not only extends your reach but also generates buzz around your booth.
  4. A personalized follow-up strategy to nurture the connection.

With these tips, a custom video can be the best lead generator in your arsenal.

Rep Digital is a leader in this space and a pioneer in its field. Rep Digital takes a revolutionary approach by harnessing the power of custom video to put brands in the spotlight and ensure an electrifying response to their marketing efforts. With a proven history of notable marketing milestones, Rep Digital has cemented its reputation as a trusted partner for a wide range of businesses. Through a seamless fusion of innovation and strategic acumen, Rep Digital offers a comprehensive range of services in this dynamic industry.

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