Project Platinum Review – Is It Worth Buying?

Published on March 27, 2023

Project Platinum by Robby Blanchard is a complete guide on how to step your feet into digital entrepreneurship. It offers guidance, AI tools, and access to the latest software that helps set up an online business.

Robby Blanchard’s brand-new associate marketing training course, Project Platinum, makes affiliate sales by utilizing AI tools. The effectiveness of this program has been demonstrated by both present and former participants.

This program teaches its users to make at least $250,000 on the Clickbank network in a year, Robby gave it the name Project Platinum. You are eligible for Clickbank’s Platinum award after making $250K in purchases.  Find out why this program is useful and how to start a home-based independent company and a passive income by reading on.

Access Robby Blanchard’s Project Platinum Program by Clicking Here. (Limited Time Offer)

Project Platinum Review

Are you trying to figure out how to earn money online but having trouble getting started? Do you believe it is difficult to choose one of the many training courses available? Learn how to sell highly lucrative goods from various companies and earn commission on each transaction with the Project Platinum program. The sound of that is…

Making money is undoubtedly not simple, and there is no such thing as “effortless” making. However, there are some “smart ways” that assist in starting this process, and from there, the amount of money made depends on how hard each person works individually. Although affiliate marketing is not a new concept, the majority of people have no notion how to make money with it. People who are new to affiliate marketing can get assistance from Project Platinum instruction and learn how to use it to their advantage.  Learn all there is to know about Project Platinum by reading this evaluation.

ESSENTIAL READ: “Critical New Report on Project Platinum – This Might Change Your Mind”

Project Platinum: What is it?

Robby Blanchard’s Project Platinum is a comprehensive manual on how to start a digital business. It provides assistance, access to the most recent software, and AI tools for starting an online company.

It is designed for those who spend the majority of their time at home and could use a little assistance earning some money. Interestingly, it doesn’t require any formal training, a college degree, a professional background, or previous experience managing or working with a company. Without a qualification exam, anyone and everyone can join Project Platinum, including students, part-timers, housewives, stay-at-home mothers, and everyone else.

It has a fully functional website with instructions on how to earn money using straightforward methods. Many testimonies are shared, showing how some trainees were able to earn thousands of dollars after this instruction in just a few weeks. The greatest part is that the profit keeps growing with no guidelines or restrictions.

This program’s creator is Robby Blanchard. He may be well-known to you because of his business, Blanchard Media. He is well-known as a mentor and one of the top ClickBank associate marketers in the affiliate industry. This program is his means of assisting newbies in comprehending this world and beginning to make money without making the typical errors that most people do.

How Does Project Platinum Pay Off Financially?

A program called Project Platinum makes reading material, movies, software, and tools available to students online. Through ClickBank, this content aids them in starting their first online company.

They have immediate access to more than $50,000 worth of goods by joining it. They can use the products that have the greatest profit margins to generate income through affiliate marketing.

Here is what each participant will get

  • Six weeks long extensive online training
  • AI-powered guideline to understanding online business
  • Direct and private coaching with the mentor
  • Facebook community to interact with fellow trainees and share valuable tips and information
  • Complete details on how to generate heavy traffic on your landing page using technological help.

Six weeks of intensive online training; an AI-powered manual for understanding online business; direct, one-on-one mentoring from the mentor; a Facebook group where trainees can connect and share knowledge; and complete instructions on how to use technology to drive lots of traffic to your landing page.

Not to mention that joining Project Platinum also provides direct entry to the earlier program Commission Hero. Robby Blanchard had a lot of success with this show. The objective of this new program is to assist newcomers in understanding and working in this area without having to leave the house.

Discover How to Make $1000 Per Day Without Owning a Product with Project Platinum. (Simple 3-Step System REVEALED)

Examining Project Platinum Training in More Detail

If purchased individually, Project Platinum’s access to tools, data, and gadgets would cost you thousands of dollars. The business is providing all of this at a reduced cost and with a ton of free stuff in order to lessen the load on the trainees.

What you will receive if you join Project Platinum is listed below.

6-Week Platinum Masterclass is the first module.

This training begins with a lesson that explains what makes affiliate marketing a successful business. Spending time and money on something that is unworthy is obviously a bad idea. However, not everyone is familiar with the associate industry and its workings. Robby discusses the benefits of affiliate marketing in this masterclass, including why, how, and how it can help you make money.

Module 2: Access to Project Platinum AI Software for a Year

The AI software and tools that Robby and his team have selected will be available to all students. These tools reduce the time and effort needed to develop new initiatives, evaluate their success, and alter their strategies.

Module 3: Training for Money Magnet Traffic

The students will learn how to attract visitors to your landing pages, which has a high likelihood of leading to a sale or buy. It contains Robby’s insider knowledge as well as advice from other great marketers who have had success.

Module 4: Elite Platinum $250K Offers

Robby then shows students how to negotiate and make the best offers, which can yield thousands of dollars. Additionally, you’ll discover how to get rid of time-wasting, uninteresting goods.

Project Platinum Coaching Group in Module Five

All trainees will have immediate access to a private group that has been established for this program’s trainees to share ideas, problems, and support one another. It fosters the growth of a strong society where everyone looks out for one another. You can read the success tales and advice posted here about how other members are succeeding financially. You could also tell others about your experience or your problems and ask them to offer solutions.

6 Figure Platinum Case Studies in Module

In order to help Project Platinum users comprehend how a perfect campaign should operate, some case studies have also been added. These Robby and his students’ case studies offer insightful advice on starting an online company. Some of these case studies involve individuals who had no prior exposure to or understanding of the affiliate industry. For those who are just starting out and want to help themselves, this can be motivating.

Instant Scale Training in Module 7

The trainees will also receive fundamental instruction for scaling up efforts and profits. This scaling-up training will enable a person making $10 per day to make $100 or even $1000 per day. There are no upper limits to the profit, and with greater personal work, you could even make thousands of dollars in a single day.

Is Project Platinum Trustworthy and Valuable? Check Out This Recent Report That Might Shock You!

How Much Does Project Platinum Cost?

Project Platinum is prepared to begin operations and to begin accepting students through an online registration and application process. Keep in mind that the lessons it imparts are expensive, and the training is not free. You have two payment options: a $2,497 one-time charge or monthly payments. For three months, there will be 30 days of $997 monthly payments.

It can be dangerous to trust an online application. When the business offers a complete guarantee on its product, this danger is reduced. For instance, Project Platinum offers a money-back promise to encourage people to give it a try.

There are a few requirements, which are completely described on the official website. This information indicates that the only participants who are qualified for a refund are those who did not sign up for the training or the Facebook support group. If you enroll in the program, the business will not honor your request for a return.

This refund is also available to Project Platinum users who previously used the Commission Hero scheme. It is only given to new trainees who did not enroll in the course after registering and paying the required cost.

Project Platinum Trainee Bonuses

The incentives that every trainee will receive are listed below. It is not necessary to search for or request these bonuses. All fresh orders will be immediately taken into account for bonuses and main components.

A preview of the Project Platinum benefits can be found here.

Bonus Number One: A Digital Event Ticket

The trainees will initially receive a complimentary ticket or entry permit to the following event that Robby Blanchard will be hosting. These activities typically have a small, private audience. Participating in novel endeavors aids in developing one’s abilities, services, and business strategies. The trainees will receive a free entry ticket to these events, which typically cost about $1000 each.

The two-day digital virtual event features talks, hands-on training, a discussion of fresh marketing tactics, and advice on how to boost your earnings to thousands of dollars per day.

Bonus #2: 6-Week Masterclass on YouTube

The following gift is a six-week masterclass on running digital marketing initiatives using YouTube, the largest video source. Learning how to use Facebook Ads will also help you attract more customers to your company. You can guarantee good clientele from both YouTube and Facebook by employing the appropriate strategies in this case.

Project Platinum Landing Page Builder, third bonus

Users of Project Platinum will learn how to create original and traffic-generating landing sites. The landing page, which appears as soon as a person clicks on your affiliate ad or link, is typically the first thing customers will see and observe about your company.

A compelling design and material can increase the likelihood of gaining new clients. Typically, additional training is needed for landing pages. Or the digital advertisers obtain them in return for a sizeable sum. If you’ve signed up for Project Platinum, that’s no longer the case because you’ll be making your own landing website here.

Everyone can build appealing landing pages with effective content using the fundamental guidelines and advice. Additionally, you can forego spending this money on a landing website by having someone else create it for you.

DFY 7 Figure Landing Pages, Bonus #4

The construction of a landing page alone is insufficient, and Robby wants the trainees to excel in everything they do. He introduced free access to the software, which teaches users how to create landing page templates and ensures campaign success. You could draw ideas from them and make your own landing sites.

Fifth bonus: Total access to Spy Hero

Spy Hero, a study tool that aids marketers in understanding current trends, is not widely known. All Project Platinum participants will receive a month’s access to this software so they can view the ads that other people are using. They can learn about other people’s advertising techniques and marketing plans that have helped them succeed in associate marketing.

You can conduct more effective ads on YouTube and Facebook using the information above. Additionally, it aids in understanding rivals’ methods for success.

Sixth bonus: Complete access to Cometly

A piece of software called Cometly is used to keep tabs on performance, earnings, and growth. It assists in self-evaluation, making adjustments, or creating marketing strategies based on the results of earlier campaigns. This accountability check enhances the company model and guarantees long-term financial success.

Access to the Project Platinum App is Bonus #7.

Project Platinum is also available as a mobile program, making it very compatible with portable electronics. IOS and Android devices perform the best. Using this app is free, and joining the program grants VIP access to the material it provides.

Lifetime access to the Project Platinum AI software as a special bonus

Every Project Platinum trainee will have lifetime access to AI software and assistance. You can use the subscription and its availability, which are not time-limited, to help grow your company.

Platinum Celebrity Offer Access as a Special Bonus

Robby Blanchard and Mike Tyson, the well-known celebrity, worked together to make this entertaining and intriguing. After joining the project platinum family, the trainees will later receive special deals and access to celebrities.

Direct Access to Commission Hero as a Special Bonus

initiative Platinum is not the first initiative Robby Blanchard has ever worked on, as was previously stated. Additionally, he is responsible for the early success of Commission Hero.

Full access to this earlier software is also provided as part of Project Platinum without any additional fees. It is done to show the students how this mentoring has changed and improved over time.

People who are unable to choose between these two classes can also benefit from it. Register for Project Platinum to gain entry to Commission Hero as well.

A vacation is a special bonus!

Even though Project Platinum is not Robby’s first endeavor, it undoubtedly offers something unique. There are no other affiliate training programs that give this final bonus.

The business offers you a free vacation after you make your first hit at $1000 per day using the training from Project Platinum. You are receiving this as a prize for the work, time, and abilities you used to get here.

A rough calculation shows that Robby is giving these new students free stuff valued close to $59,744 in total. There is an enormous range and diversity in these bonuses, ranging from vacations and software to tickets. This is a limited-time deal that is only open to those who decide to join Project Platinum as soon as possible.

Get more information on how to purchase a Project Platinum membership at a price by visiting the official website.

Review of Project Platinum: Summary

The benefits and drawbacks of Project Platinum are listed below. Before choosing whether to participate in it, read them.


There are dozens of success stories from Robby’s trainees and how they ended up earning thousands of dollars per day. You don’t need to make any purchases or investments to start an affiliate business online. This is the cost for the training and resources that teach you how to earn good profits over selling things that are in demand. It has a high-profit margin for new affiliates.

Cons: There is no 100% guarantee of high profits without putting in the necessary effort and time; results may vary and rely greatly on the trainee’s personal efforts; it may be more expensive than other training programs.

Project Platinum Evaluations:

In conclusion, Project Platinum appears to be a reliable method of earning money online. Robby Blanchard, one of the most effective affiliate marketers in the world, is the creator of it. This program teaches new business owners how to stand on the newest trends and the mentor’s personal experience.

There aren’t many places left, and registration is about to start. Decide quickly to sign up before the registration period ends.

Visit the Project Platinum website straight away by clicking here.

Newsdesk Editor