The Ritz Herald
Alex Kozikov

Poker Excellence: Alex Kozikov Talks Poker Bots and AI Insights

Published on April 27, 2023

Welcome, Aleksey Kozikov, a poker AI developer at PokerBotAI. It’s a pleasure to have you with us today. How did you become interested in poker AI development?

“My interest began during my computer science studies, as I was intrigued by poker’s complexity and the need to combine psychology, game theory, and advanced programming.”

How can AI benefit the poker community instead of being seen as a threat?

“That’s a great question. While it’s true that poker AI can be perceived as a threat in terms of cheating and unfair advantages, I believe it can also significantly benefit the poker community. For instance, AI can help players improve their skills by providing insights into optimal strategies and decision-making processes. Furthermore, our Poker Ecology product employs AI to identify and thwart cheating, teamplay, and the use of poker bots. This helps to promote fair play and uphold the game’s integrity in poker clubs.”

Will AI eventually surpass human capabilities in poker?

“The swift advancement in AI technology is truly remarkable, and it’s safe to say that the poker bot currently outperforms over 75% of all players in the field. Nonetheless, poker is a intricate game that demands intuition, inventiveness, and a grasp of psychology, which are innately human traits. Aspects like bluffing, regular all-ins, and collaborative play can occasionally pose challenges for poker AI. Consequently, I believe that human players will maintain a significant presence in the world of poker, and the rivalry between AI and human competitors will only serve to drive the game’s continued evolution.”

Let’s move on to the technical side of things. Can you tell us more about the specific algorithms and techniques that PokerBotAI uses to develop its poker AI?

“At PokerBotAI we employ a variety of methods, including machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning. Our decision-making process is modeled through neural networks, and our AI is trained on billions of actual games collected over a 5-year span, as well as simulated games. This enables the AI to learn and adjust its strategies based on the outcomes of previous games and the actions of its adversaries. We utilize remarkable computing power to rapidly process incoming data, as poker has limited turn times and requires consideration of data transfer time. Additionally, we employ geographically dispersed servers to cater to clients from various regions around the globe.”

It’s impressive how AI can learn and adapt in such a complex environment. Speaking of which, how does PokerBotAI’s AI handle the psychological aspects of poker, such as bluffing and detecting opponents’ tells?

“Addressing the psychological aspects of poker is one of the more challenging aspects of AI development. Our AI takes into account various factors, such as bet sizing, betting patterns, and timing, to estimate the likelihood of an opponent bluffing or holding a strong hand. Additionally, it continuously updates its beliefs about opponents’ strategies based on the available information, which allows it to make more informed decisions and adapt its playstyle as needed. For this reason, we actually advise purchasing a VIP subscription in poker applications, if it grants you access to more comprehensive statistics about your opponents – such as VPIP, PFR, AF, 3-Bet, and so on.”

A poker bot is indeed an excellent tool for generating income, but why share it with others instead of exclusively using it ourselves?

“Initially, we exclusively utilized our technology. However, we encountered limitations in growth due to factors such as language barriers, geographical constraints, and the presence of security features and restrictions in certain poker clubs. This led us to the realization that we could provide a poker bot to our partner players globally, while also offering 24/7 game keeping services and assistance in detecting team play and bots to poker club owners.”

Lastly, Aleksey, what are your thoughts on the future of AI in general? How do you see AI impacting other aspects of our lives beyond poker?

“AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, from healthcare and transportation to finance and education. As AI technology continues to advance, I believe we’ll see it integrated into more and more industries, improving efficiency and driving innovation. However, it’s crucial that we, as developers and society as a whole, approach AI’s integration responsibly and ethically, ensuring that it benefits everyone and doesn’t exacerbate existing inequalities.”

Thank you, Aleksey, for your time and sharing your insights with us today. We appreciate your valuable perspective on AI’s role in poker.

“Thank you! It’s been a pleasure discussing these topics with you, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for AI in poker and other areas of our lives. My team and I stay current with the latest trends and invite you to experience our top-of-the-line poker bot at”

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