Pioneering Sustainable Practices in the Cannabis Sector With Shanti Life’s Kim Williams

Supporting Sustainable Cannabis Products

Published on July 11, 2024

Consumers play a crucial role in driving the demand for sustainable cannabis products. Those interested in supporting a better future for the industry are advised to choose products from companies that prioritize sustainability and ethics above profits. In this way, consumers can help promote environmentally friendly practices within the industry.

Our customers often report significant improvements in their quality of life after incorporating CBD into their wellness routines,” says Williams. “When they support brands like our very own Woke Botanicals, they also support our practices.

Those interested are encouraged to reach out to Williams through her website, where the guru herself shares her wealth of experience in personal wellness, CBD products and the natural world. Consultations with the Shanti Life founder are as simple as pressing a button, and can be done entirely online.

Woke Botanicals emphasizes the importance of organically grown product sources, as well as a focus on minimal waste. Unlike other operations, Woke Botanicals ensures the entire plant is put to good use via its novel cold press extraction methods. In this way, waste is minimized, and no potentially harmful processesses takes place – especially in regards to the use of alcohols or the release of CO2.

Educating consumers about the environmental impact of their purchases is vital. Companies like Shanti Life spearhead the movement by providing transparency about their sourcing and production methods.

We believe in the power of education and community engagement,” Williams emphasizes. “Together, we can create a more conscious and responsible market.

Under Kim Williams’ leadership, Shanti Life is the perfect example of an ethics-first company within the cannabis sector. With a focus on organic farming, traditional methods, and community engagement, Shanti Life hopes to act as the guiding standard for all companies.

Newsdesk Editor