From Broke High School Dropout to Teenage Millionaire, Peter Szabo Shares His Journey to Success

Published on February 28, 2022

Growing up in the average Slovakian household, Peter Szabo can recall when his parents worked hard despite earning a meager $600 per month. Because of their dire financial situation, his parents invested all their earnings into a multi-level marketing scheme with hopes of increasing their wealth, only to end up losing everything and dealing with debt from personal loans.

The growing financial troubles were stressful for the entire family, including Peter Szabo, who was only 11 years old at the time. He was so concerned with the situation at home that he went online and looked up ways to make money to get ideas. He could’ve never anticipated what would happen from there.

During his search, he stumbled upon many incredible resources, including social media sites, such as Facebook, and the freelance marketplace, Fiverr. He used these different sites to sell various services, bringing in some extra cash that would eventually increase over the months. While involved in social media and email marketing, he’d subsequently earn around $100 per day, which inspired him to open a Facebook advertisement agency.

After years of mentorship and coaching, Szabo has since built a business that brings in $1.2M per year at the young age of 19. His digital marketing agency would go on to help hundreds of small companies within different industries reach their goals and earn a significant profit. Having spent the past 8 years helping other businesses while generating over $100M in revenue, he’s on to his latest passion-driven venture, Source Hacker. It’s a venture he’s passionate about that helps people transform their lives through Memory Flipping and the Human OS.

“I know that there are a lot of “gurus” out there, but I hope my success story resonates with others like myself who don’t come from much. When I was a child, my parents were the only ones in the neighborhood who didn’t have a car because we didn’t have the money for one. So, I know what it’s like to be broke, but I also know what it’s like to want more in life, and I want to help others make it happen,” shared Peter Szabo. “I want to highlight that before becoming, as some would say, a “success guru”, I actually took my own advice, built a million-dollar agency, helped my clients generate over $100M collectively, and then I decided to follow what’s always been my passion project – psychology and trauma resolution via my new venture Source Hacker that helps people finally breakthrough to the next level in their health, wealth, love and happiness.”

While he’s not against those who’d prefer to further their education, Peter Szabo proves that you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars, take out student loans, and go to college to become a successful entrepreneur. As a high school dropout and self-made entrepreneur who made more than a million dollars per year at the early age of 19, he wants people to know that there are other ways to build generational wealth and succeed. Had it not been for the struggles experienced throughout his childhood, it’s hard to say if this is the path he would’ve taken.

“I’ve learned a lot from my past and started from the bottom to build my businesses. My latest business, Source Hacker, relies on Memory Flipping to help people face their fears, overcome traumas, and work on themselves. My goal is to get people to invest in themselves because when they do that, they can see the result they’re looking for and live a much better life,” said Szabo. “I look forward to impacting thousands of students over the next several years, ultimately helping them transform their health, wealth, love, and happiness levels. What I learned over 13+ years of being in business & self-help is that there’s no investment with greater yields than investing into yourself.”

Newsdesk Editor