The Ritz Herald
Bob Russikoff wears a mask and gloves to vote in the special election for Pennsylvania House of Representatives in Bensalem. © Emma Lee

Pennsylvania Voters Reveal Broad Support for Reduced Immigration During COVID-19 Crisis

FAIR: New Zogby Poll

Published on June 19, 2020

A statewide poll of likely Pennsylvania voters finds broad voter support for reductions in immigration in the face of massive layoffs resulting from the COVID-19 crisis. The polling was conducted on behalf of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) by the national opinion research firm, Zogby Analytics, on June 10 and 11.

The poll indicates that Pennsylvania voters support reductions in the admission of new immigrants and guest workers in the face of the ongoing public health and economic crises gripping the nation. Pennsylvania voters are also significantly more likely to prioritize the need for immigration and border enforcement over programs to legalize millions of illegal aliens.

Among the key findings of the Pennsylvania opinion poll:

  • By about margins of better than 2 to 1 (64% to 28%) voters support “reductions in immigration and guest workers admissions” during the crisis.
  • By a 56% to 32%margin, Pennsylvania voters believe that “Limiting admission of new immigrants and guest workers will improve the chances of laid-off American workers being rehired.”
  • 80% of voters in Pennsylvania believe that it is prudent to “slow the admission of foreign nationals until we can provide thorough health screen to everyone entering the country.” Only 10% disagree.
  • By a 64% to 36% majority, Pennsylvania voters said they would prioritize reducing overall immigration, strengthening immigration enforcement and border security, and removing illegal aliens from the country, over increasing immigration, granting amnesty to illegal aliens, or decriminalizing illegal immigration.

“The polling shows clear public support in Pennsylvania for many of the immigration policy steps that the Trump administration has taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting economic and unemployment crisis. Voters in this key state agree that reductions in the admission of new immigrants and foreign workers are a prudent response to a crisis that has resulted in some 40 million Americans losing their jobs, and there is broad support for additional measures to be taken by the White House,” commented Dan Stein, president of FAIR.

“The polling numbers send a clear message to Senators Casey and Toomey, and members of Pennsylvania’scongressional delegation, that jobs and economic security are always critical issues in presidential and congressional elections. Senators Casey and Toomey both expressed support for guest worker programs in the past. Both Senators have a chance to set the record straight and stand with the American worker by supporting a ban on guest workers in an effort to protect American workers during this economic and public health crisis.

“While voters certainly understand the extraordinary circumstances that have led to massive unemployment, they will also expect that the president and their federal representatives will take all reasonable steps to minimize the damage done to American workers, and expedite recovery for those who have lost jobs. This poll makes it clear that Pennsylvania voters understand and support the need to reduce the flow of people entering the country who will compete for jobs during this crisis and once the economy fully reopens,” Stein concluded.

The poll of 806 likely voters has a +/-3.5 percent margin of error.

Associate Writer