The Ritz Herald
© Eric Baradat

Passage of Infrastructure Bill Will Create Millions of Good-Paying Jobs

Improved roads, rails, airports, power grid, water systems will benefit all Americans

Published on November 08, 2021

The following is a statement from Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa on the House’s passage of a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill yesterday that would invest and rebuild in essential networks that will grow jobs.

“After years of inaction, Democrats and Republicans came together to approve important legislation that will boost necessary transportation, electrical and water networks that will create good-paying jobs and bring the nation’s economy into the 21st century. I want to thank the Biden administration and congressional leaders for all their hard work to get this done.

“Previously, elected officials have only talked about infrastructure investment but done little about it. But now the traveling public as well as those do the work to keep the nation’s roads, rails and bridges up-and-running have reason for hope.

“This bill will modernize essential transportation systems – all critical parts of America’s supply chain. Teamsters work each day in every part of this supply chain and know firsthand that our transportation infrastructure has been neglected for too long.”

Newsroom Editor