Options Trading: 50 Years on and Continued Growth

Published on August 09, 2023

Despite being introduced as a concept way back in the 1800s, options trading really became an official trading platform 50 years ago by the Chicago Board of Trade. Five decades later, there has been an exponential boom in the number of traders interested in buying calls and selling puts, and this growth is only set to continue. It is a lucrative arena that yields positive investment models for the experienced trader, so is this an industry you should be stepping into and what are the benefits?

Expert Analysis

There are experts to be found in every aspect of trading including each core asset area. Options investing has seen a rise in professional traders and options trader expertise that is unparalleled and invaluable. There has been a mass following and subscription to this style of advice and insight which has been exceptionally valuable and created a platform where professionally led strategies are yielding effective results in a noticeable way.


An options contract means that there is no obligation to purchase or sell, and for a trader, that allows a greater degree of flexibility for their portfolio. It enables them to better control investment funds and play a more active role in how they develop their trades and strategies.


There is the additional benefit of being able to trade options in a variety of markets which increases the overall versatility of a portfolio and trading profile. Not being restricted by a particular niche means, inherently, there is less risk when the cards are played correctly. Though this takes time to accumulate the required skills for smart moves and coherent strategy, options have big gains when manipulated correctly.

Potentially Lower Risk

The biggest off-putting quality of trading is the fact that there is so much risk involved. There are limited choices when it comes to mitigating these hazards, but options platforms pose an intriguing solution in certain ways. The associated lower risk is noted and affirmed. Firstly, there is a lower upfront cost which means you are putting up less capital, though you must be able to prove that you have the funds to your broker. They are also less inclined to shift as dramatically as standard equities, which is highly beneficial for any portfolio.

Enhanced Revenue Return Capacity

Whether you are buying (call contract) or selling (put contract), options are a solid way to see a return and profit. Call contracts mean you access greater stock options with lower funds put upfront and this is an incredible way to facilitate faster growth. However, you must be able to determine the smart moves from the dud ones and this requires greater insight and knowledge development when pitted against regular trading practices.

What Is Set to Change?

The rise of technological interventions is always relevant, and one of the biggest things that will propel options trading to the next level. Though there have already been exponential developments, and thousands of professional opportunities, this is just one thing that will continue to expand. The last few years alone have seen the introduction of 0DTE options in equity indexes and more, which is an astronomical change to note, and a significant development.

What Does it Take to Become an Options Expert?

To become an expert in options you need to know three things. Number one is how to interpret or analyze stock market data in a way that relates directly to the options in question. You can do this by leaning on expert write-ups or podcasts, or by learning how to read and navigate the data yourself. Number two is being sure of your financial situation and being capable of representing the facts to a broker. Number three is having a decent amount of prior knowledge around all things trading and being able to adapt this accordingly. If you can tick all these boxes, you are well on your way to stepping into this world.

Why Are Options Trading More Difficult?

In order to create successful moves in options trading, you must have a solid foundation of mathematical knowledge, be able to successfully access risk, and have unparalleled confidence in predicting shifts and trends. Unlike stocks, shares, or other types of equities, options trading requires a higher level of dedication and interception. It is so much more than just guessing whether a stock or similar will go up or go down in the given timeframe; there is statistical insight and driven analysis to be factored in as well.

Options traders are in the thousands and only set to grow. This industry will hold benefits for those who have the know-how and time to invest correctly.

Newsdesk Editor