The Ritz Herald
Noven Jaisi

Noven Jaisi’s Book Is Not What You’d Expect

Published on December 22, 2022

Let’s be honest, most self-help books are dispensable and downright unbearable. On the other hand, some are great and rightfully deserve their legacy. Others provide strategies that may have suited the writer in his or her situation but do not translate to a wider audience.

Make History by Noven Jaisi is surprisingly different. It can be described as a self-help book but having read it; the book is more of a self-help program than a book to be read passively. The aim is to help you to achieve mental fitness and to provide you with the keys to your own motivations so you can unlock your potential for a more fulfilling life.

You may wonder what on earth a successful and award-winning filmmaker has to do with helping people find out what makes them tick!

It turns out to be quite a lot!  With Make History, Jaisi provides the framework so that you can achieve a sense of who you are and what you can achieve in an easy yet thought-provoking format.

Noven Jaisi is an award-winning filmmaker.  Sharp and successful he looks the epitome of success, and he has the back catalogue to prove it, having made films and documentaries for a range of artists including the Beach Boys, Bob Dylan and the Jacksons. However, he hasn’t always had life so easy.

Owing to some poor life choices with drugs earlier on and reaching a low point when he was sectioned as bipolar, he turned to meditation and psychology books in order to understand himself. As a result, he made a full recovery and today has reached great triumph in his professional life and personal life. This is easy to say now but at the time, Jaisi’s recovery required long periods of research and labour.

Noven Jaisi did not set out to write a book. As he says, this book came about over seven long years of recovery and research where he gathered information and notes that led to his transformation. He provides insightful quotes from an impressive array of thinkers that hit the spot. He doesn’t talk about himself much; the secret of this book is all about helping others.

Surprisingly given that Make History was a long time in writing, this is an extremely entertaining and easy read. The reader is required to answer deceptively easy questions about themselves and record the answers.  Over the course of the book, you reach a deeper understanding of yourself so that by the end, you achieve clarity, and your true goals and motivations are established.

Make History asks the reader for total honesty.  The questions are both fun and terrifying in equal measures in order for you to reach a happy and transformed mindset where anything is possible if you allow it to be.

This book comes from a place of honesty and along with his other accomplishments, Noven Jaisi can write. However unlike many other first books, this one is designed to help the reader along their life’s journey rather than launch a new career as a writer. We look forward to what’s next from this talented individual.

Newsdesk Editor