The Ritz Herald
Nitsa Nakos

Nitsa Nakos is Redefining Network Marketing and Empowering the New Age Entrepreneur

Published on November 06, 2023

Say “network marketing” at a dinner party and watch the reactions. Raised eyebrows, stifled groans, and maybe a polite nod from that loyal friend. To many, the term is synonymous with grand promises and unmet expectations, and with good reason. However, this space still has stories of fulfilled dreams and extraordinary success from everyday people. As Nitsa Nakos of Synergy Group proves, network marketing is not just about selling a product or service; it’s about selling hope, confidence, and the promise of a brighter future.

Born and bred in Vancouver, BC, Nitsa’s spirit is as effervescent as the streets of her hometown and as passionate as her cherished Greek heritage. An expert marketer with 25+ years under her belt, Nitsa is the number one Income earner within her company and part of the 1% of the top earners in network marketing. Additionally, she has created 27 millionaires within her company over the past three years, exemplifying the transformational power of conscious leadership.

Looking at Nitsa’s numbers, it’s difficult to envision a time when her life wasn’t as perfect. However, it wasn’t always multi-million-dollar ventures and global recognition. At 18, while most were navigating college life, Nitsa was hustling and bustling in chaotic kitchens. By 25, she was running several more and was well on her way to becoming a renowned restaurateur. However, beyond the aroma of fancy foods and sizzling pans was a nagging voice with a clear message, “There’s more out there.”

Nitsa Nakos

Indeed, there was. Nitsa’s contemplative phase led her to a pivotal “meeting” with a friend, introducing her to the network marketing world. Like everything she’d touched before, Nitsa didn’t just dip her toes in this new world; she dived deep, turning waves into tsunamis with her brand, Synergy, which has since become a testament to the transformative power of network marketing.

Amidst the sea of giant network marketing brands in the world today, Synergy has remained in its own league for one simple reason: it’s not just about amassing wealth. It’s about how Nitsa has infused soul into sales, passion into profits, and purpose into practice. Her target isn’t just anyone who can speak well; she’s more interested in mentoring soul and mission-driven entrepreneurs looking for next-level freedom and success.

“I want to change the world by building the new,” she shares. “One of my favorite quotes and direction in life is from Buckminster Fuller: ‘Don’t spend time fighting the old—but instead, use it to build the new.’ For this reason, I am passionate about creating conscious communities. People who are healing their fears, egos, and limitations and rising to success levels driven by a positive change in the world.”

Conscious leadership isn’t just a buzzword at Synergy; it is Nitsa’s philosophy and ethos. In a realm where power plays and fierce competition are often the order of the day, she’s more focused on collaboration, celebration, and, above all, heart. Her overall mission is to help her team look inward and then harness their power to make a lasting difference. “Success starts within,” she reiterates. “Finding clarity, meaning, and direction starts within.”

Today, Nitsa’s impact stretches far beyond boardrooms and sales graphs. She’s a beacon of hope for Venezuela’s children amid a currency collapse, a ray of sunshine for African orphans, and a guiding star for underprivileged children stepping into the digital era. Her vision is to continue building financially free communities globally and empowering them to become more.

Newsdesk Editor