New Virtual Chamber of Commerce Delivers International Exposure for Members

Published on October 28, 2022

Having a business of one’s own is a lucrative option. However, there is much to be known and done within the domain for it to be successful and thriving. One of the critical points of this is efficient networking. This not only helps in knowing various people but also about what they are up to and provides ample opportunity to grow and expand one’s business in association with others. Banner Chamber of Commerce provides this key opportunity.

With the advent of the internet and the necessity for businesses to have a robust online presence, online chambers of commerce have become more pertinent. They are also more accessible as they do not require physical presence. One can attend at any time. They also help in global outreach, connecting business owners across different locations in the world. At the same time, it can also boost your local presence with more people knowing about your business.

Being a member of the Banner Chamber of Commerce has several benefits besides the obvious one being that it is a good place for connecting with others. Since it is online, even the network is bigger than most local chambers of commerce. The Banner Chamber of Commerce is equally accessible to everyone, without any tiers. Any business, regardless of its scale, can join this online chamber of commerce. It promises equal exposure for all, and there is no discrimination in membership fees.

One of the biggest benefits of Banner Chamber of Commerce is a listing in their fully searchable and search engine optimized (SEO) member business directory. SEO is undoubtedly one of the most important tools today, especially when it comes to getting discovered in any online space. According to the official website, “The member business directory was optimized to help you gain an important backlink to your company and boost your search engine rankings, all the while making it easy for Banner Chamber visitors to find your business directly on our website.” Even if you do not have your custom website, you can use the directory listing and redirect a custom domain name to it. Share your profile online to reach a wider audience and let them know about your business.

There are many member-exclusive discounts and promotions that are available at Banner Chamber of Commerce. You can even create your own discounts, which not only help promote your business better but can help you get investors or other interested folk. Moreover, you can also get a better selection of employees as a member. You are free to list job postings with the Banner Chamber of Commerce, and only members can view them. This way, you can hire dedicated and business-conscious employees.

Members also get exclusive advertising opportunities. Banner Chamber of Commerce provides additional advertising opportunities through email marketing and other promotional activities. This includes email newsletters as well as website promotions to help you grow your business. You can also promote your events through the events calendar, whether it is offline or online. In this way, you can ensure a greater number of participants in attendance. Not only can your old acquaintances attend, but you can also invite potentially new partners.

The philosophy at the heart of any chamber of commerce is the desire to grow together and in association with each other. Therefore, it can benefit everyone if you refer the Banner Chamber of Commerce to anyone you know who owns a business and is looking to grow. Banner Chamber of Commerce promises credits for chamber membership renewal and advertising to those members who participate in the referral program. One can earn 25% credit points for every member referred. If you can refer 4 members, the membership renewal for the next year comes for free.

As long as you are a member, you can flaunt your affiliation. Being a member gives you more credibility and lets other businesses know where they can contact you. Therefore, being a part of this innovative online chamber of commerce leaves a lot to be gained for you as well as your business.

Newsroom Editor