The Ritz Herald

New Restaurant Management Guide to Help Succeed After 2020

Published on August 13, 2021

Following years can be easier for hospitality business owners who know about new trends and are ready for a creative approach to restaurant management. “Your Restaurant: Creation, Transformation, and Promotion” by Adina Brunetti is a new free audiobook and eBook, is the key to building a restaurant that will survive any hard times and beat the competitors.

Marketing aspects are present in almost every area of ​​the restaurant’s internal and external work. The path to profit, of course, is complex, and great results can only be achieved if you follow detailed step-by-step instructions given by the author based on her work results.

The book is lined up in parts and chapters but can start from any part: find the topic in the Table of Contents that interests you the most and study. Adina Brunetti uses simple language to make it entertaining for the readers and not to bore them with a “business book textbook” style.

“Your Restaurant: Creation, Transformation, and Promotion” can be read by both a waiter who has set the goal of career growth and a business owner who is looking for points of control in his restaurant project.

According to Adina Brunetti, “Marketing work should be ongoing, not on a case-by-case basis. The reality around us is ever-changing. What seemed like a wonderful idea to us yesterday may turn out to be useless mothballs tomorrow. Our challenge is not only to respond in a timely manner to changes but also — ideally — to anticipate them with our actions.”

This is an excellent analog to many restaurant marketing courses, which will save you time and money, and as a result, you will get a complete understanding of what to do to keep your place filled with guests.

Newsdesk Editor